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Chapter 31 - The Diner

The diner in denmore was where everybody went, east side, west side, downstate, upstate. Everybody went there and had Marley's delicious food.

Marley was lovely, El said she used to work there and saw Marley's husband come in. It's a beautiful place and everybody can't help but be sweet there. I think.

I enter the diner, River is at my side since he drove me. Yesterday I was super sick the entire day so I stayed home from school and Kingston was super sweet.

But here we are now with him and Mel.

We walk over to the table and I see Kingston, immediately crawling into the booth and going to his side.

"You are really pretty, Summer." Kingston says and I look down at my hands, smiling to myself as my heart rate rises and a blush forms on my cheeks. He lifts my head up and runs his thumb down my cheek.

"Too easy." He says, referring to my blush and I squint my eyes at him. Knowing now that he didn't mean that I was pretty for real, he just wanted me to blush.

"Hey guys!" River says, sitting down next to me since he drove me here. "Hi." I say, thinking about how Rain criticized me for saying that.

Reid sits down with Miah on the last side of the booth. Kingston orders a thing of scones and a burger, I just order a milkshake and fries. Everybody else orders something from Marie.

She's so happy when I come now, and I haven't seen her in three years. The smile on her face.

"So, Kingston, show and tell Please." Reid says, for once not being on his phone. Miah is looking up too. Melanie is blushing form something Kingston said moments before and Kingston is smirking, "We've got a nice group here so I'll tell you, My mom died. Now my dad has gone through couple stepmom and settles on the perfect one so that my sister is River's fuck buddy." He finishes.

Fuck, Kingston! Make me blush and smirk at me and love me for god sakes!


"Madeline is your stepsister?" I say, understanding now why he hates her so much, why Mr Lati would put them together for a project and he'd be pissed.

"Yeah and she is more of a royal bitch than ever." He says and I chuckle, Kingston puts his arm around me. He hands me a scone, "Try it." He says and I cautiously take a bite, but when the warm vanilla flavor just my mouth I take another that is, less cautious.

I stare up at Kingston and he smiles, "I know, they're the best scones in the world and I've been to a lot of different places, though nothing is better than French food." He says and I lick my lips.

"That was delicious," I say, his eyes flickering down to my lips for just a second. River reaches for a scone, but his hand is swatted away by Kingston.

"You let her have one!" River pouts, Kingston takes the rest of the scone from my hand and takes a bite of it, giving it back to me. "She's less of an asshole than you." He says and I lean in, "Bad boy word,"

He chuckles, giving me a glance from the side of his eyes with a smirk as he continues talking to River. Melanie leans in, her red hair flowing down as she leans closer to me and Kingston.

"You guys just indirectly kissed," She says and I shake my head, "Stop being a middle schooler Melanie, we've actually kissed." I say, with a giggle and Melanie's eyes go wide.

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