Explaining to the Medic

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         "Fine," I sighed, tired of the many questions and confused anger from the Autobot medic, "It's not like it's a secret on the Nemesis."

He waited patiently, chained to the floor as I stood over his kneeling form, bored. The Omega Lock was almost done, and there was no sign of the Autobots, so I was left with only a few smaller things to worry about. What better way to occupy myself then keep Ratchet in torment? But even that gets boring when all he wants to do is ask 'why'. Why this, why that. So I suppose it's time to tell him.

         "You see, we Vehicons found another way to multiply, to keep Megatron's army strong, unfortunately these heirs, Sparklings, would come out faulty from time to time."

         "And you are what they call 'faulty'," Ratchet noted, and I gave a small twisted smile as I nodded.

         "Usually we're terminated directly after birth, but my Carrier didn't want to, so I was spared."

I remembered those sweeter memories... times I missed dearly.

         "As I grew my faults were uncovered," I dug a digit into my armor, creating a thin line, though not deep in the metal, "Armor as soft as talc, a poor energy reserve, weak spark, practically useless, aside from my processor." Tapping my helm, I ended the list of deficiencies, "My Carrier ensured I was smart, put me through every test as I matured, and soon had me working as a form of data compiler, the best, besides Soundwave, so I was to valuable to offline."

There was a long silence as ratchet mulled over the bit of backstory I had given him. I knew he would ask more questions, so I waited, patiently.

         "What about you and Shockwave?"

A cliche question.

         "He was my Doctor. Carrier didn't trust Knockout, and rightfully so, but Shockwave's interest was merely scientific, for awhile." I let a small smile spread as I thought of my scientist, "he administered an injection, one Knockout had created, supposedly to lengthen my life cycle, though not strengthen my spark, but after a time he admitted that it only gave me an energy boost that didn't even last a whole Earth day. I won't give you the nitty-gritty details, but those short times together led to much more than just keeping me alive. Soon I was at his side almost all the time, and before I knew I was being accused of treason after you and your faction tortured me, forcing me to reveal the femme ranks."

         "Are you so blinded by your natural Decepticon hatred that you cannot see our own regret?" Ratchet interrupted, angered at my assumed lack of acknowledgment, "When we thought you were in danger I - we came to your aid! We tried to help you!" He paused, and for a moment his expression changed as he looked to the cold floor he was forced to kneel on, and mumbled something along the lines of 'I tried to help you', but I paid no mind to it.

         "Perhaps that is the case," I placed a gentle servo on the older mech's helm, only to yank it back to ensure he'd look at me, and he winced at the sudden pain, "Or perhaps it's the fact that you gave no thought as to why an injured bot, practically bleeding to death, with an armor density that can't even deflect a stone was left in an abandoned mine to die, and decided that I wasn't at all capable of the damage I've dealt."

     He looked to me with an amount of sorrow in his optics, I didn't understand why, or what for, but I didn't care. Dropping his helm from my grip I started for the door of his solitary confinement cell, where Soundwave was waiting for me just outside. Shockwave wanted to ensure nothing happened to me while I was out of his and Predaking's sight (the Predacon was helping with the heavy lifting), especially being so near the completion of the Omega Lock, and the Autobot silence. I was about to knock on the large doors, my telling that I was done, when Ratchet spoke again.

         "What do you plan to do, once Cybertron is revived, and I am useless to you?"

         "You already are," I answered truthfully, "I might not let you go free, because of my hatred, but I'm thankful enough to let you live."

He looked back up to me, and I saw a vain glimmer of hope that I would come around, re-think and re-evaluate my decision.

         "And what is it you are thankful for, exactly?"

Looking back with soft optics, I gave him a sickeningly sweet smile.

         "My position as Decepticon Leader."

This answer disappointed him as the medic hung his helm low once more, beaten for the ump-teenth time at my little game. I'm starting to understand why the Decepticon traitor Arachnid loved her job so much, toying with others like they were a cyber-cat chasing a string, only to find that it led to their entrapment.

     With a short chuckle I left after knocking, and I new Soundwave had been monitoring the camera feed, just in case something happened, so he did not need to ask how our little meeting went. Not that he would anyways. We passed by Knockout, who bowed, and I nodded towards him, then a fellow Vehicon, Starscream and a few of his Seekers too. A small team ran past without even a glance, but one look to Soundwave showed that part of the Omega Lock was not wired correctly, so they were in a hurry. Then there was silence, aside from the pedesteps of me and my silent companion. 

     Once again I found myself bored. Shockwave was busy, and i didn't want to distract him, and while Soundwave listened well sometimes you need someone to talk with you. No harm in a little conversation either way.

         "Laserbeak is well?" I asked, and to my surprise the mechanical bird-like symbiote detached herself from her master and hovered around me, going in circles which made me laugh as I let her land on my unscratched arm, "I'll take that as a 'yes'."

Then Laserbeak used a hook to attach to my other arm, dragging it to land in Soundwave's lithe servo. The action startled me, resulting in another scratch being made. I was trying to hide my injuries, including my blunted digits. I should have known nothing escapes the gaze of Soundwave.

Laserbeak then landed on my helm, and I frowned as she gave a disappointed purr.

          "You two are insufferable," I sighed.

         "~You~" he skipped 'two', "~are insufferable.~"

I ended up going to see Shockwave anyway.

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