Chrom's POV:

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Hello! I'm back again... Did ya miss me? 😜 JK. One concern my editor has noted with this work is that the chapters seem to bounce around a bit in regards to which event occupies the main focus. That isn't an accident. It helps create a little extra suspense, along with giving me a quick breather so I can refocus before jumping into a major plot point. Anywho, here's the next chapter. Enjoy~

After all the craziness this morning, I was really looking forward to going to my bro's house after school today.
Robin and I get together every other Thursday to hang, and just, like, bro out.

I drove to Robin's house after school, stopping at Walmart to buy chips and salsa on the way. (I also found this cool sweater while I was there. That's, not really important though...)

Anyway, I was jamming out in the car to Shawn Mendes, Justin Bieber, and a bunch of other pretty boy artists, singing songs about how they couldn't live without me. It's a hobby of mine, because I find it hysterical.
I know the songs aren't written for me in particular, because the main market for those guys consists of mostly teenage girls. But, I mean, c'mon, those dudes know how to make some pretty good music.
Come to think of it, how much money do you think those guys make every year just from teenage girls. Like, that's probably at least half of their income...

I pulled into my bestest bro's driveway, barely missing his mailbox. "Phew." I sighed, climbing out of my car and grabbing the chips and salsa. I slammed the door shut behind me and walked up to his porch, jumping over the steps leading up, and knocking on his door.
I didn't get an answer, so I just let myself in. I come over so often, that I have one of his spare house keys on my keychain.
Come to think of it, I could probably just straight up rob him if I wanted to.
I wouldn't, obviously, because I can pretty much just get whatever I want anyway. Just one of the benefits of growing up in a rich family. Ahhhhh. Being rich is awesome. If someone tells you otherwise, well then...they've obviously never been rich.
Anyways, I let myself in, locking his door behind me. "Hello?" I called softly, walking to his living room.
Mr. Dave, his cat, was sitting on his couch, curled up in a ball.
"Hey bro." I said, patting his head.
"I'm gonna go make some popcorn, and then I'll be back."

I plodded to Robin's kitchen, raiding his pantry and grabbing a bag of popcorn. I stuck it in the microwave, and opened his fridge, scanning the options.
7 Up? Nah.
Pepsi? Not in the mood.
Iced tea? Definitely not.
Mountain Dew?

"Yes." I smiled, helping myself to a can of my favorite pop. Robin is such a good bro like that. He always has my favorite snacks and drinks over here. It's so considerate of him.
I walked over to his cupboard and pulled out a stack of plastic bowls.

"Oops." A bunch of bowls fell to the ground, clanging loudly.
I knelt down, picking them up and re-stacking them.

"Ba-dum-ba-dooby-doo." I hummed to myself. That's when the Microwave beeped. I opened it up, pulling out the bag of popcorn.
"Chrom?" I heard a familiar voice behind me.
"Hey man. I just let myself in." I replied, ripping open the popcorn bag and dumping it into the bowl. "Everything's ready-" I spun around to see my bestest bro, but lo and behold, there standing next to him was... my sister?
"Robin! What is she doing here?"
I asked in complete and utter horror, pointing at Lucina.

"Uhhhh... Chrom-" Robin started, but I abruptly cut him off.
"Tonight was our bro date!" I whined, crossing my arms over my chest.
"You'd better explain yourself." I started tapping my foot impatiently.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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