Kimi Räikkönen special!

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I had no clue what to do for Kimi, I got something and I hope you're gonna like it!

Happy reading!

Some of the best Kimi quotes:

The iceman said some great things these past years in Formula 1, why not put them in here?

"Leave me alone, I know what I'm doing!"

"Thank you." Won a race? got an Icecream? Got pole? Won a championship? You may never know...



"Driving is the only thing I love about F1." Don't we all?

"It protects my head." His special meaning behind his helmet...

"What do you want me to do?" Ferrari team orders got a little confusing.

"Formula 1 would be a paradise without the media." He's got something against interviews, which we get...

"When I was a kid, I would watch the Grands Prix. Everyone dreamt of becoming a race driver, while I only started thinking about it when I was 18 or 19. Only at that age did I seriously start thinking about this job. Before then, I would change ideas from one second to the next." So there's still hope for the rest of us to start racing?

"Yes, yes, yes, yes I'm doing all the time. You don't have to remind me every second." The lotus team radio got a little annoying, didn't it?

"Where I went off, you can get back on the track by going through the support race pitlane, but you have to go through a gate. I know this as I did the same thing in 2001 and the gate was open that year. Somebody closed it this time. Next year, I'll make sure it's open again..." Did he remember that 2001 was around 11 years ago (when he said this) and things around the track change?

"I'm not interested in what people think about me. I'm not Michael Schumacher." You're better because you're you. (And Michael is Michael.)

"You don't drive races on paper."

His best races:

I can better show this one than tell, right?

Some of his greatest achievements and things he's done:

He was the last driver to with the WDC with Ferrari in 2007. The last one for Ferrari in 12 years! He also almost didn't get it because there was a possible fuel issue with other teams but the FIA decided to do nothing about it and Kimi won the Championship. What would've his reaction been? -Maybe a "Thank you" slipped his lips?

Once he had a race, he had no clue where he was driving and got confused by the blue flags. Little did he know, he was driving first and the blue flags weren't for him!

He and Sebastian are great friends! Even though Kimi went to Sauber, the two are still in touch both wishing each other the best in their teams.

Sometimes he takes a nap before a race. Most people get rather nervous before a performance, but not Kimi.

One race he didn't have his steering wheel, he yelled it over the radio and he got his beloved wheel. It did get a pretty big meme thought...

Do you need a present for Kimi? A box of Magnums is the way to go!

Most say, his 2002 and 2003 years in Formula 1 were his best years. It were his best races, his best overtakes, etc.

He's there but also not. Let me explain: You barely hear him over the radio, He doesn't like interviews, he's often napping if not racing, getting bored at boring races. Actually he's quite relatable, right? 

He's called the Iceman, don't have to say a lot more now do I?

Let's be honest, Formula 1 won't be the same without the amazing Kimi Räikkönen.

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