Chapter 15 - The Elven Feast

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"Welcome to Mirkwood" Legolas said politely bowing his head to the men in front of him

"You must stay after your long journey" and he ordered some rooms to be prepared and some extras places to be set for dinner.

Introductions took place before they were shown to their chambers to freshened up

'"I knew it" Neymar whispered to Nicassius "I knew you would be plotting to become Queen dear sister, you've snared yourself a prince?" He teased as they followed the elves deeper into the halls

She gave him a sharp elbow to the ribs "shush" she replied, "I haven't 'snared' anyone!"

"I saw the way you looked at him, you cannot hide it from your big brother, don't worry I will not tell" he whispered as he moved away quickly before he received another elbow to the side.

When she got back to her room there was a beautiful olive green dress lying across the bed, she picked it up, holding it against her body and running her fingers down the smooth material

"I thought you might like to change for dinner" Legolas spoke from behind her and she turned to see him standing in the doorway "I chose it for you, I hope you don't mind?".

"Thank you, it is beautiful"

He moved towards her, taking the dress from her and placing it on the bed. "So tell me" he said as he walked to the table and picked up the brush "who is this Prince you have snared?" He didn't look at her and continued to study the brush carefully, twisting it around his fingers.

"You heard?" She blushed "I forgot, you elves hear everything"

"You elves?" He said as though it was an insult

"I mean...well I didn't mean, well I..." And before she knew it he had silenced her again, his lips pressing down on hers as he swept her into his arms. It was warm and passionate and took her back to the night in the cabin, it seemed so long ago now.

When he pulled away he smoothed his hand down the length of her arm right down to her finger tips where it lingered for a moment as though he could not tear himself away. Then he left, silently, and smiled back at her as he closed the door behind him. She fell backwards on the bed and sighed deeply.

Nicassius stood at the entrance of the dinning hall and all eyes turned to her, she looked beautiful, her dark hair flowing down the side of her shoulder and resting on the deep green dress that contrasted perfectly.

"My lady, the king has requested you sit next to him" said the elf who had escorted her from her room

"Oh gosh" she though as she felt that same wave of panic rise up from her stomach. Thranduil was to sit at the head of a long table, he had not arrived yet and she was half relived find her brothers seated next to her as she took her place next to the Kings empty seat, Niall being nearest in the seat to her right, then Neymar next to him. She saw Legolas was sitting opposite her as she sat down.

"You look beautiful" he said

"She looks thin" Neymar piped up as Niall gave him a dig in the ribs "mind your manners brother"

The king arrived shortly after and took his place, gazing down and nodding warmly at Nicassius as he sat, this made her even more uneasy as she was not expecting warmth, she expected a cold hard stare, he was rather unpredictable this king.

Some idle chit chat took place at the table as they ate, mostly her brother Neymar teasing her again then breaking into bouts of inane ramblings. She loved him dearly but he really did not know when to stop talking.

"So fighting with orcs hey Cass?" He waffled, "that will be one to tell the grandchildren in your old age"

"How old are you Nicassius?" the king asked her, she was most taken back by this.

"She will be 21 next birthday won't you old dear?" Said Neymar

"Thank you dear brother, I can answer for myself" she scalded

"So young" the king said his voice trailing off as though he was talking only to himself.

"Ah poor Cal, he will be devastated when he finds out you have been swept off your feet by a prince of all people" Neymar said as he leaned over the back of his chair trying to whisper it to Nicassius

"Tell me, who is 'Cal'?" Legolas inquired

"Farmers son. Deeply in love with my cruel sister who has rejected him every day ever since they were 12" he said causally

"Neymar, please!" She said exasperated at her brothers openness.

It gave legolas a smile though, when she looked over to him he was grinning at her

"Im glad you find it amusing" she said as she shot him a fierce look

"Please tell us more about Nicassius" Legolas said playfully

"Well there was this one time...." Neymar began, but his voice trialled off and Nicassius stopped listening when her attention was diverted by another question from Thrandruil.

"What did she look like?" He asked her


"The old woman in the forest"

"I barely remember" she answered "wrinkled skin, grey hair...piecing green eyes...."

"Your birthday? Is it soon?" It was a really peculiar question

"Yes" she replied, it was actually her birthday in two days but she had lost all track of time while she had been ill and had not realized it was so close until now.

Thranduil didn't ask any more questions after that and soon excused himself leaving the men and elves to continue feasting, they were becoming quite rowdy by now and had begun a conversation comparing notes about the numerous battles they had fought

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