Chapter 21

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Bit of a longer one. Hope you like it. :)

I'm sorry if I've been replying really slow on kik. I've just been so busy lately and I'm tired, so I'll try to message everyone back.

**This Is Love by the Script on the side <3 **


Chapter 21

Addie's POV

I killed as much time as I could. I didn't feel like going home. I went by a near by park, absently walking through, hands shoved into my jean pockets, kicking pebbles along the sidewalk as I walked. I tried to clear my mind. It all felt pretty overwhelming. Was I too harsh on Josh? I was just caught up in the moment. It just made me really upset. I was overreacting, right?

He deserved it Addie.

All he did was confess his love to you.

But he knows I have a boyfriend. He should've known better.

What if he just wanted to get that off his chest? What if he just wanted to tell you? What if he wasn't expecting him to love you back? Maybe he just wanted to let you know and-

I shut all my thoughts down and stumbled over to a park bench, groaning into my hands as I realized I screwed everything up. I was screwed. I brought this all upon myself. I should've let him finish. I should've 'heard him out', like he asked me. I shouldn't have thrown that coffee at him, because now, I really wanted some.

"Hey, you look kinda upset. You all right?" I looked up slowly to see a girl with straight brown hair but it was braided back, reminding me of a 'Katniss braid'. Her green eyes seemed to light up a bit, full of concern.

"Ehh, I don't wanna burden you with the horrible story I call my life." I gave her a small smile and a shrug.

"Aww, come on." She sat next to me. "I got time. And for the record, I think my story's worse."

"Oh really?"

She gave me a sly smile this time. Eventually, it slowly faded away. "My parents hate me. I'll never be that perfect daughter they want. I feel suffocated. I feel like I can't even express myself. You know how hard it is when you just wanna scream exactly what's wrong when someone asks if you're okay, but you know if you told them your whole life story, they'd judge you, treat you like a freak, and send you to a freaking mental hospital or something."

My eyes widened. I looked over at the girl. She was dead serious. You could hear the pain in her voice. You could just see the struggle in her eyes. The edge in her voice. You could almost hear how tired she was.

"I know exactly what that's like. It's so hard to say 'I'm fine' over and over again." I told her a bit about how I was bullied throughout school, my first and last attempt at cutting, since it hurt so much I couldn't bring myself to do it ever again. We went back and forth, sharing stories. She was bullied as well. She was slowly recovering from an eating disorder and clean ten days.

"You know I never would've guessed you were hurting like that." I said, turning towards her since I was genuinely interested. She seemed like a cool girl. She was pretty strong. I couldn't believe it.

She just laughed. "Kinda funny actually. Music helps me a lot. Whenever I'm tired of hearing my parents nagging me, I just blast it. That little voice in my head just telling me 'Don't give up and that it'll be better eventually'. Just reminding myself it isn't the end and there's hope just really helps. Society has their definition of perfect. Their definition of beautiful. I have my own definition. I'm not going to change for anyone. I'm not going to change for society."

Lucky Me // Niall Horanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن