Chapter 25- Confession

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Allison, please wait! I heard Alarik shout to me.

I can't do this. Alarik this needs to stop, you need to let me say it.

I won't let you do any such thing. I could feel you Allison, you wanted me, I know you did.

It doesn't matter what I want Alarik! It's what I have to do. I stopped suddenly, turning around to face him. I don't have a choice in the matter.

You always have a choice.

Not when it has been taken away, I linked back to him.

Who took it away? What are you talking about?

This was the moment I had been hoping to avoid if I could. How was I supposed to tell him that his father had threatened me into rejecting his son. That for some reason, his father didn't understand how this bond worked, and he was forcing me to turn away so he could marry Hazel for the good of the pack. Little did he know that I was what was truly good for the pack.

I couldn't give them more power, I couldn't give them more land or people, but I was Alarik's mate, and that alone lent him strength.

I heard him growl and I realized I didn't have to say it, he had already seen it, felt it through me.

That bastard can't control what I do! I will be with who I want. I will marry who I want. He will not do this to me, or to you.

I could see the anger in his eyes, those deep yellow eyes that were locked on me. I could feel just how much he meant the words he was saying. He didn't want to marry Hazel, though that was no surprise, but he felt no interest in her at all, I could tell.

He already has, I said back. Alarik's head cocked to the side, his eyes asking the question, trying to look inside for the answer.

My shoulders slumped and my head hung low to the ground. I hadn't wanted to dump all of this onto him, but he needed to hear it.

No matter what I did, I would be the source of someone else's pain. I didn't care about myself, but I couldn't stand the thought of others suffering because of something I did.

He threatened me, I said to him.

I'll kill him, he isn't going to hurt you. He won't lay a single finger on you. Alarik snarled.

Not me, he won't go near me.

Then what?

Cassie, he said he would kick her and her family out of the pack, lable them as pariahs. No one would dare take them in, they'd be forced to live as rogues for the rest of their lives.

I nearly laughed at the resemblence between the two men. Alarik had threatened me with the same fate not long ago if I went back on the contract, now it was his father offering it up as punishment if I didn't cooperate with his plans.

He won't do anything.

Alarik, he's still the Alpha, you may be next in line, but he still out-ranks you. He can do what he wants, and unless I do what he says, then he'll do just that.

Then we won't give him a reason to.

Was he really suggesting that I reject him? I never thought he would agree to it, especially not after what he had said.

Alright, then I re-

No, not that! Alarik growled and jumped forward, startling me into silence. He closed the distance between us, stepping right up until we were nose to nose. We can pretend, make him believe he's won, make him believe you rejected me. We won't meet in public, we won't talk to each other, we won't go near each other, his voice in my head sounded pained and I knew he was going to have issues following his own rules.

We will make him think that we've parted ways, let him go on believing that I have agreed to be with Hazel.

But what will you do if she finds out? What if she's angry and wants to take out vengance on you or this pack because you tricked her and her family? I asked him.

I guess we'll have to make sure that doesn't happen. She can't really believe in all of this, she couldn't possibly want to go through with this if she knew everything. Alarik said sounding hopeful.

I prayed to the gods that he was right and that we could pull it off. If anything went wrong-I shivered as thoughts of what might happen ran through my head. What Alarik's father may do, what Hazel or even her father may do.

If we were going to do this, then we had to be convinging in our ways, there would be no cheating on these rules. We wouldn't be able to talk to each other, we wouldn't be able to let anyone see us together, not a single person.

I started to wonder if it could actually work, if we were actually going to do this. It was crazy that not too long ago I would have laughed at anyone who said I would be Alarik's mate, and that I would even be falling for him. I would have admitted that person to a mental hospital, and yet, here I was planning a way to stay with him in secret.

How had it all come to this? It wasn't perfect, not by any means. Alarik made mistakes, but so did I. We both had our issues, trust, loyalty, love, and yet somehow we were trying to make this work. He had started fighting for me in a way no one ever had.

Alarik was putting himself on the line to stay with me, and I didn't know what to do in response. What was I supposed to say or do? Nothing seemed significant enough.

I felt Alarik's warm fur nuzzle against me and I laid down on the ground, his warm body laying down next to me. I rested my head on him and we just stayed there in silence. We didn't need to talk, not right now. We just needed each other. Two weeks ago, I would have hated admitting that I needed him to feel calm and safe, but it was something that I couldn't fight.

It was time I stopped giving in to everything trying to tear us away from each other and and started fighting for it like he had been. I just didn't know how to fight for something like this. I didn't know how to care for someone that much, I didn't know how to love someone with all my heart and soul. I didn't know how to be a mate.

But I wasn't just any mate, I was the future Luna.


So she told him. And apparently they're going to try and keep it on the DL. Let's see if they can do it, shall we? And possibly what Hazel has to say about all of this.

He's My MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora