{Chapter Thirteen}

978 30 6

trigger warnings: mentions of self-harm, brief panic attack

Blinking blearily at the dull white ceiling above her, Yuri distantly questioned where she was.

Her eyes drifted shut again as she wrapped herself in the sleepy embrace of dreams--until her arms began to sting. Unable to remember cutting herself recently, Yuri assumed one of her older cuts had gotten reopened during her sleep.

Lifting her arm in front of her violet eyes for closer examination, Yuri froze at the sight of her arms wrapped in sterile bandages. Inhaling sharply, Yuri began to cough at the overwhelming stench of medicine and hospital.

The heartbeat monitor next to Yuri began to emit loud beeping noises as Yuri's heartbeat raced, panic seeping into her lungs at the unfamiliarity. All of the sudden it felt as if she couldn't breath--Yuri gasped and clawed at her throat in panic as her breaths became shorter and shorter.

Her vision started fading, but she was distantly able to see the shadowy figure of someone rushing into the room. Yuri could feel the weight of their hands on her shoulders, pressing down as if to keep her from drifting away.

"Breath, Yuri. In and out, okay? In....and out...."

She wondered who this person was, with their soothing voice and calming touch, somehow able to keep her from the darkness of self-induced panic. The person gently guided Yuri back down into a lying position, the gentle white noise of their words calming Yuri. Her mind drifting away, Yuri smiled weakly at the short and willowy shadow.

"Thank you...."

And with that, Yuri's vision faded to black again.

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