5 - Soul Mates

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From behind, Skye wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing the ink on the right of his head. Finally, his fingers let go of the Rubik's Cube. He looked over his shoulder.

"Are you nervous?"

He shrugged, avoiding her gaze.

Obviously a 'yes'.

"You think he'll be there?"

Almost two months had passed since he'd been stuck in the elevator. Somehow, the meeting with Raine had changed him; he was quieter, often lost in thought. After a few days, he'd bought a Rubik's Cube. Whether it was meant to help him handle his stress, or whether it was a silent memento of a lost friend, was hard to tell.

"Dunno. The Mayans will be there, but maybe he's with his sister..."

Skye nodded. Every time she had a performance in the hospital, she stopped by at Oncology to see if there was a guy with a kutte around, but so far she had been disappointed. She really wanted to meet him; she was very curious to the type of guy who had such a huge influence on her best friend.

"I hope he won't be around," Juice muttered. "I'm sure it will be fucking awkward if he is."

"It won't." She squeezed his shoulders. "I'm with you, remember? Awkwardness is impossible around me. Come on, let's go!"

Sighing, Juice got up. His fingers stroked the colored cube before slipping his hands into his pockets

. . .

At events like this, Skye never knew where to look. Bikes – as far as the eye could see. She loved to watch them, it always reminded her of her wish to get her license too. One day. If she ever had the money.

It always filled her with joy, seeing how all clubs shoved their rivalry to the side on days like these. She loved to go to fundraisers. This one was organized by an organisation standing up for disabled bikers; whether they were born with a handicap or had been in an accident. Because of the danger all bikers were familiar with, it was something that bound them.

Happily, she hooked her arm with Juice's while they followed the other Sons to the terrain. It didn't take long before they found the members of the other charters. Juice greeted some people he knew and Skye did the same. Once she'd said hi to everyone whose face looked familiar, she dropped down in the grass. After putting on her sunglasses, she rubbed sunscreen over her arms and face.

She stashed the bottle back in her purse and looked around. Close to them, sat a group of Mayans. She peeked to the side, smiling when she saw that they had attracted Juice's attention as well. She let him be for a moment, his breathing showed her how tense he felt.

Curiously she watched the Mayans. Most of them were a little older than them. One at the side caught her eye, since he was blowing bubbles. A little girl stood next to him, dancing and jumping while trying to catch the bubbles.

It was probably the cutest thing she had ever seen, a bubble blowing biker. When his eyes fluttered into their direction, she smiled. He didn't seem to see it, he looked just past her.

Her eyes shot to Juice, who had bent his head down. His cheeks were flushing.

Occasionally, Skye had wondered if her friend had a little crush on the Mayan. It would explain why it was so hard for him to forget about the guy. Still, she'd brushed it off – as far as she knew, Juice had never had feelings for someone of the same sex. This time she wasn't making assumptions either; she knew how socially awkward her friend could be, whether it was around guys or girls.

She leaned into him. "It's the one with the bubbles, right?"

His head snapped up.

She chuckled at the sight of his wide eyes.

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