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Hot and bothered. 

That would be a good way to describe how I am feeling these past few days.  In fact, I am achy, hot and bothered.  This man is playing a game on a level I have no experience in.

It's been about two weeks since I agreed to the babysitting as I see it.  This man is the master of seduction.  It's driving me insane, and my wolf is practically fighting to take over so she can beg.


He has no sense of personal space.  Often likes to talk to me while his lips move against my ear.  Several times has trapped me underneath him in bed if I have said a snarky comment, his words then making me hot and bothered and just when I think he's about to kiss me, he goes to sleep.

And the showers.  Oh my god.  We had quite a fight over the bathroom thing.  I mean seriously.  Some privacy is needed.  So eventually I agreed to a female guard to be in there with me.  It was awkward at first, and eventually we took it to making friends, joking and laughing.  Emmy is actually pretty damn funny behind closed doors.

But he makes me keep the doors open for showers, and then him in the shower.   Just this morning, I was brushing my teeth, and he came up behind me fresh and steamy.  A breath of space between our bodies, as he loomed over me, and reached around me to get his own toothbrush.  His breath fanned over my neck, and his whole body rippling with his muscle movement.  My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Frankly.  I don't know how I am going to last.  Because there is no privacy to take care of my frustration alone.  AH!

I practically jump out of my seat when I feel a large hand grip my upper thigh.

"Stop that." Ooooh, Lucian is mad at something, as he whisper growled that out to me.  

"Stop what?"

"Bouncing your leg up and down.  It's very distracting and we are in the middle of a meeting."

I look up and see Andrew smirk at me, and Issac raise an eyebrow.  Oh god what were they talking about?

I've opted to come to most of the meetings with him.  I don't like being in the dark, and it's not that I think I can help.  I have no idea about strategy, war or weapons.  But, I do think that since I find myself in the middle of all of this and an opportunity to see what's going on, it would be unwise to remain in the dark.

Some of it has been interesting.  Some boring.  And some just doesn't make sense.   Every morning and evening there are briefings and debriefings.  Classes planned out, scouts reporting regardless if there has been activity on boarders or not.

It's been quite unnerving.  All this preparation, and there has been no indication of any attempt to fight.  The only vampires we have encountered are the ones who live peacefully within the grounds.  Some have ventured over who are seeking to join our side.

But that's it.  No word, no attempts and frankly for me I wonder and hope that this is all for nothing.

Lucian hasn't moved his hand, and I am finding it very distracting.  Hard to pay attention to anything going on in the room. I think I need to go for a run.  Or a walk.  Or just any distance I can get between him and I.  He's rubbing small circles on my inner thigh and its making me squirm in desire. 

I try to move, pulling my leg away from him.  Well that doesn't work.  The guy just grips my leg firmer keeping me in place. I can feel my wolf close to the surface, my eyes must be changing, because when I glance up, Remus gives me a knowing smirk.  Asshole.  

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now