The Warborn

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The Viking long boats had been riding along the waves of the Northern Sea. The dragon-headed ships had been cutting through the frigid waters for several days now, venturing from their home village in Scandinavia. Two of the four vessels had warriors at their helm to guide their way.

The furthermost boat in front was lead by someone who could only be described as a colossus. Well over seven feet in height, his frame was bursting with muscle and sinew. His mustard brown hair was unkempt and uncut, a makeshift cape of sorts. An unshaven beard covered most of the bottom of his face, hiding his mouth from view. The only clothes on his person was a pair of deer skin pants and a leather belt. His broad hands were resting on a large Dane axe, made so that only someone of his build could be proficient with it.

The boat to his starboard held three warriors at its helm. The only one of the three who was standing was the leader of the fleet. His blonde hair was tied into a series of five, rope-like dreadlocks. Staring out into the northern waters were his intense blue eyes, adding to his stoic expression. Covering him head to toe was leather armor tinted to a deep red. On his back was a circular shield, while at his hip was a short sword.

To his right, leaning against the longboat's starboard bow, was his sister. A tempered redhead in her own right, her choice of armor left little to the imagination. Her armor was made of animal pelts and furs, and had an opening in it that revealed the top of her bosom to friend and foe alike. Attached onto her leather belt was a pair of twin axes that she would use with the utmost proficiency in battle.

The last fellow was a giant, though not near the height of his seven foot tall companion. He was resting on the longboat's floor with his arms resting behind his head. Atop his head was a dull black mess of unkempt hair that ended with three long braids coming down the back. His eyes were a oaken brown that was lined with a ring of amber. Contrasting his companions' pale flesh, his was noticably darker betraying his mixed heritage. His armor wasn't as extravagant or colorful as his companions, almost trailing into a light grey and black. However, his armor was a mixture of pagan leather armor and the top half of a Saxon warrior's breastplate, though it also lacked padding on his arms.

"We should be hitting land soon. If not, we'll have to turn back," their leader said, peering out into the rough waters.

"Give it some time, Eret. We don't want your father to be displeased with us because of your impatience again. We all remember the failed raid on Wurburg, don't we Astrid. You too Götz," the seven foot giant called back, not taking his eyes off the Northern Sea. Eret's sister turned her head to him and nodded in agreement.

"Oh yes we do. Came back to Father telling him we couldn't find it. Not two days later, we hear from traders that a the Outcast tribe found and raided Wurburg," she commented with the slightest hint of pointing blame to annoy her brother. Götz just chuckled at the situation their fleet leader just gotten himself into.

"The chief was really upset with you, Eret. Almost as upset as the time she found out Astrid and Torunn had been sleeping together for a whole month." Götz recalled, turning the tables on the axe woman and giant. Eret laughed at this, almost falling off the bench he was standing on as the rest of the boat's crew joined in with the laughter. Astrid's face had turned a deep red that she tried to hide in her wolf skin cape, while Torunn was caught off guard by the comment and his legs gave out from under him causing the longboat to lurch forward and leaving him on the longboat's floor. The men on his boat started to howl like wolves at their leader's uncharacteristic clumsiness.

Eret brought himself kneeling down to Götz's level. "On the topic of personal matters," he remarked, shooting his sister a irritated look on 'personal', "How's Randi faring? When we left,  she was near ready to give birth." Götz gave his usual, subtle nod to his friend's question. He left his wife for the raid when she, if in worse circumstances, would need him the most. But he knew that every Viking in their village worth their right to Valhalla would help each other in any time of distress or emergency.

"We both would've preferred that I stayed by her side, but you all needed the man-power I could grant." Götz explain with an unusual somberness, "Randi understood. Besides, she has the whole village to help her if anything turns south. She's a tough woman, but even she has limits on what she can do." Eret patted his hand on Götz's shoulder to try to lighten him up.

"She'll be fine, Götz. You were given my father's word that both her and your child will be safe," he said, reassuring his childhood friend.

"Yes, I was... but in any case,"  Götz said, turning the conversation's topic back to their mission at hand, "Land shouldn't be too far away, Eret." All of a sudden, a lurch from the longboat tossed everyone on board onto the floor. "Speaking of Sutur, here it is," he said, picking himself off the floor and grabbing a long sword that was on the bench next to him.

The beach had large pebbles instead of sand and was covered in a thick mist. The other three vessels followed suit with the beached longboat. Torunn jumped off onto the beach, welcomed with a plume of pebbles caused by his landing. Götz, Astrid and Eret all followed suit with their weapons at the ready. They reached the top of the hill as the rest of the warriors piled onto the beach and secured the ships. Upon reaching the top, they were welcomed with the sight of a small village. It was covered in the same thick fog covering the beach, but they could still see the outline of houses, huts, an exterior wall, and a church.

"Here it is," Götz said softly to his companions.


The Tyr ChroniclesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora