Chapter X

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It's been a little over a week and Koda hasn't come back yet. I was cooped up in the lonesome pack house. No one would tell me anything or when Koda would be back. His 3rd in command Alexander was in charge since he was gone. He wouldn't even answer any of my questions. This was driving me crazy.

I laid face down in the bed, bored out of my mind. There was suddenly a bunch of noise coming from downstairs. I slowly slipped out of the room and down the large staircase. I froze half way down the stairs. My eyes landed on the tall dark male who was surrounded by the pack. Koda was back. I wanted to run over to him and jump into his arms. But I wasn't going to do that. He left me here alone and didn't even contact me in any way.

Koda sniffed the air and his head snapped up. His dark eyes locked on mine. He started to move through the large crowd making his way to me. Turning around I went back upstairs to the room I was staying at for the past week. I heard loud footsteps following me to the room. Knowing it was Koda, I slammed the door hoping he would get the message that I'm not very happy with him. I walked towards the window crossing my arms waiting for him to barge in like a crazy man. In seconds he barged in marching up right behind me. His breath sent chills down on spin.

"You're angry with me." He stated behind me.

"Clearly." I mumbled still not turning around to look at him.

"Why?" He asked as he placed his hand on my hip trying to turn me around. I pushed his hand off me and walked away from him. He growled under his breath as he ran his fingers through his already messy dark hair. Koda never had to deal with this, and he hated the anger coming from his mate. He missed you too much over the time he was away from you, he couldn't even explain how much he's missed you because he didn't even understand it himself.

"I'm sorry I left for a week" He said as he stepped closer to me. I raised my eyebrow at him telling him to keep going.

"And I'm sorry that I didn't call you." He offered as he slowly reached out taking me by the hips and pulling me towards him. I held my ground, keeping my arms crossed still trying to ignore him.

"Navy." He mumbled into my neck as he snuggled closer. I pushed at him; I know I couldn't keep pushing him away. My body craved him.

"Give me a hint?" He asked pulling me closer which had me pressed up against his chest.

"Just before you left" I whispered hoping he would already get it so I can give up and be with him. It was hard to push him away because it went against everything in me.

"I don't think you're annoying." He said after some time of thinking. His arms wrapped tightly around me making sure I wouldn't go anywhere from him.

"I'm still mad at you for leaving." I mumbled as I gave up and leaned against him. I've missed him so much.

"Are you ready to go back to the house?" He asked me still resting against me.

"Yeah. I don't think I could stand another day here." I said as I walked out of the room that I've spent weeks in. I came to hate it here without Koda. He followed me grabbing a hold of my wrist pulling me with him. Koda wasn't the best with expressing his feeling. Grabbing a hold of my wrist and pulling me along is equivalent to taking my hand, intertwined fingers and going somewhere. I slowly pulled my hand from his wrist which made him halt on the spot. His dark eyes darted towards me looking down at my hand. I slowly placed my hand in his, locking our fingers together.

I knew Koda wasn't the typical mate or a boyfriend. He has a different way of showing his feelings, he probably didn't even understand his own feelings let alone know how to express them. If you never been taught the letters how are you going to read? Koda looked down as my hand gripped tighter at his. He seemed slightly confused but I started to walk off again.

Soon I was back at Koda's house which I've missed more than I thought I would have. Stepping into the house my nose filled with the smell of mint and pine. I automatically made my way to the kitchen to make myself some tea. Koda followed like a lost puppy not sure of what to do.

"Can I help you?" I asked as I turned around to lean against the cabinet that was taller to match Koda's height. I slowly took a sip of the hot green tea as I watched Koda move towards me. He stopped in front of me placing his hands under my thighs and picked me up placing me on the marble countertop. I was now eye level with him. His normal chocolate eyes were now slowly mixing with black. His Lycan side was trying to take over.

Koda leaned closer to me. My eyes widen as I placed my mug down, was he going to kiss me? His strong arms wrapped around my waist as he leaned down. But before his lips touched mine, he leaned down even more placing a soft almost invisible kiss on my neck. My breath hitched as I felt Koda's canines extend and trace across my neck. His Lycan side took control of Koda's human body and he was about to mark me. I've heard stories in my old pack about how the male wolf takes over and bites his mate to leave a mark for others to know she is already taken. The mark isn't really a mark, after the bite healed you couldn't tell there was ever a bite. But it did change your "scent" whatever that means.

Koda's kept leaving soft open kisses across my neck as if he was looking for something but not so sure of what he was looking for. My arms found their way around his neck. My heart started pumping hard in my chest. Was I ready for this? Was our relationship ready for this? Koda let out an animistic growl as his lips found a spot on the base of my neck. I panicked as I felt his teeth slid across my skin.

I wasn't ready this! We weren't ready for this! I tried my hardest to push him away but there wasn't much I could do. I pushed at his chest trying to send him a hint. But it was too late. I felt his wolf teeth sink into my skin. My hands gripped his back as tears slowly slid down my cheeks. My nails dug into his skin as I felt him clench harder. What felt like an eternity was just a few minutes finally stopped. He unclenched his jaw and slowly licked the blood that was running. He pulled away looking at me. His eyes slowly going from pure black to his brown eyes. They widen as he noticed the state, I was in.

"Navy." He said moving closer to me, but I backed away from him. I was trying to control my cry, but it was hard. I never thought he would ever mark me without my permission. But then again wolves didn't ask for permission. He slowly moved towards me again but this time I couldn't move away, there was nowhere to go.

He scooped me up in his arms which I tried to fight but it was no use. He carried me to his room and laid me down in the bed. I moved to the corner on the right side of the bed, the spot farthest away from him. Pulling the covers over me as I slowly tried to stop the sobs. Koda got under the covers next to me.

"Navy I'm so sorry." He whispered as moved towards me.

"Why?" I asked him through the soft sobs.

"My Lycan side took over. I've been trying to hold him down for so long. I guess those days without you finally snapped him." He mumbled against my shoulder. I ignored him as I cuddled closer to my pillow. But that didn't stop him from moving even closer to me. His arms wrapped around me pulling me into him. I was about to wiggle out of his hold, but he tightened around me.

"Just stay in my arms. My Lycan side is going crazy. He knows you're in danger. There a lot going on with people finding out about you." He mumbled into my hair as he took a deep breath. I sighed knowing I couldn't do anything about it. Even if I was still angry and hurt, I stayed in his arms. Honestly it made me feel better, but I was so mad. I closed my eyes hoping for sleep to take over faster.

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