chapter ten

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It's been two days since my party and I haven't talked to Jack since, not that I haven't been trying but I think he's embarrassed

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It's been two days since my party and I haven't talked to Jack since, not that I haven't been trying but I think he's embarrassed. I had been in my room for most of the day, editing together the footage from the party. After I arrived Alex kept filming and it was turning out super cute so I decided to sit down and film a little introduction. I grabbed my sweatshirt from Jack and tugged it on before fixing my messy bun and setting up my camera.

"Hi guys it's Peyton and welcome back to my crazy life." I smiled. "I know I look a little rough right now, bear with me. I haven't gotten out of my bed much today. Anyway!! The video you are about to see was not filmed by me, allow me to explain. As most of you know, yesterday was my 18th birthday, and my super amazing friends threw me a surprise party. I had absolutely no idea, I was so surprised it was amazing. But seeing as I didn't know, I obviously wasn't filming. So my friend Alex Turcotte, some of you might know him from USA hockey, shoutout Turcs love you homie. Anyway, he filmed the entire process of buying decorations, setting up, and parts of the party and it is so freaking cute! A little back story, I was in school all week, obviously, and my friends were being so weird. I didn't know why they were just being so distant and Friday, the day of the party, they all randomly disappeared during sixth hour. Which is our free hour so I was all alone because I had to wait for my brothers and there friend and just sat in my car. Then, I had a photo shoot with Marley and our friend Nikki so I will insert some of those photos now. Which now that I think about it was probably a ploy to make sure I was dressed for the party. Anyway, after the shoot I asked Marley if she wanted to hangout with Jack and I, you guys saw him in my first day of senior year vlog, and she said she had to go home on a Friday night? Which is so unlike her so I should have known something was up but I didn't. Then I had to drive Brady, Liam, and Luke, Jack's little brother, to hockey practice and they wouldn't let me change, again in hindsight a ploy but at the time I had no idea! After that I was going to Jack's house to tutor him, or so I thought! And let me give a huge, huge, huge shoutout to Jack for doing all of this. The boys totally ratted you out Rowdy, they told me it was your idea and I love you so much! But basically I got to his house and when I walked in there was so many people there. So many of my friends and my brothers showed up after practice and the whole night was so fun, so again thank you to everyone involved and I hope you guys enjoy this video!" I said before turning my camera off and putting the memory card in my computer so I could start editing it.

"So basically today is Thursday, September 19th, and you guys don't know me yet my name is Alex Turcotte and this is my good friend Matt." He said, turning the camera to Boldy driving. "And we are on our way to Party City to get decorations. Why are you going to Party City? Why are you taking over Peyton's channel? Well, let me tell you. This Saturday, September 21st, is the lovely Ms. Peyton Cane's 18th birthday. Very exciting, very exciting. Seeing as it is her birthday, our best friend Jack, and yes Peyton I did say our because he is my best friend too, is throwing her a surprise party."

"We invited all of her friends and her brothers and it's gonna be so sick." Matt said.

"Yeah, so I decided it would be a good idea to film everything we did so Peyton can look back on it and laugh because 10 boys trying to throw a surprise party is probably going to be really funny so yeah. We're pulling into party city now, we have to get streamers and balloons and a helium tank and cups and-"

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