Twenty Eight

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"I feel like I'm being strangled."

"Oh my God, you're so dramatic," Lexi chuckles as she watches me try to stretch out the leggings I'm wearing, which are much too tight around my legs.

We decided to go to Disney World together because I don't have anything to do all day for once. Lexi pointed out that I should probably dress different than usual so I don't draw attention, so I borrowed some plain black leggings and a sweater from Zoe. A plain cap covers the colored part of my hair, cheap sunglasses hide my vibrant eyes, my fingernails are bare, my fingers themselves aren't covered in expensive rings, and let's just say I don't look anything like my usual self, which I guess in this context is a good thing.

"I want my chains," I say with a huff and Lexi stops walking to get a better look at the map in her hands.

"And I wanna go ride Expedition Everest without you being mobbed, so the chains stayed at home," she says like I'm little kid and I grumble while crossing my arms. "Princess, you know they draw too much attention."

"I know, I know. I just hate that I can't be myself without people forgetting to treat me like a person," I mumble and Lexi pouts while putting the map down to give me all of her attention.

"Just try to think about how much fun today is gonna be," she tries but it doesn't really help me.

"It's hard to have fun when I know you're leaving later," I say sadly and her shoulders slump as her face falls.

"I'm sorry," she says weakly, and I suddenly feel bad for bringing it up and making her feel guilty.

I know she blames herself for the fact she going home because even though it wasn't her coke, she got the other two strikes. I don't blame her, but that's her logic, and I hope she doesn't think it's mine.

"You shouldn't be sorry, it's not your fault," I say and reach for her hand. "I'm sorry for being all mopey. I promise I'll perk up, I'm just gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too, princess."

She takes a quick glance around then brings my hand up to her lips and kisses my knuckles sweetly.

I smile and look at her lips, desperately wanting to kiss her. We could probably get away with it right now, I genuinely don't think we've been recognized, but I just don't want to do anything that would draw unnecessary attention to us.

"Alright you sap, let's get to Everlasting Expedition or whatever," I say and start tugging her along behind me.

"Expedition Everest, and it's that way," she corrects and laughs as I huff and turn around, keeping our hands linked as I march in the other direction.

We walk through the park hand in hand despite telling ourselves we wouldn't do that when we left the hotel, and as time goes on I start to get less and less anxious about being recognized and swarmed. We go on the ride Lexi couldn't shut up about, and it was a ton of fun. Afterwards we went to see if the picture of us on the ride came out any good, and I laugh loudly when I look up to the board to see my eyes squeezed shut and my mouth open in a scream, while Lexi is looking directly at the camera while sticking her tongue through a 'V' she made with her fingers.

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