chapter twenty - wheelchairs and mikayla

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chapter twenty – wheelchairs and Mikayla

"Marc, Kevin, Devin, Thea!" Dr. Preston scolded us.

The four of us were waiting for the doctor to call us for our check ups and we started playing with the wheelchairs in the hallway.

"Those are for patients!" Dr. Preston shook his head at us.

"But Dad!" Marc whined.

"Do you have legs?" Dr. Preston crossed his arms.

"Yes!" Marc groaned.

"Do they work?" Dr. Preston asked.

"Yes" Marc snorted.

"Then get your butt out of the wheelchair"

I ignored the stares from all the kids in the hallways. They believed what Mikayla was saying. I believed what she was saying.

This was all my fault.


Viewpoint General Hospital, Yesterday


"Can you please just let me inside to see him?" I cried out to the nurse.

"Ma'am only family is allowed inside the ICU" The nurse looked both annoyed and bored with me.

"I'm his girlfriend! I haven't seen him in weeks! Please" I begged the older woman.

"Are you married or engaged?" The woman glanced up from her computer.

"No" I frowned.

"Then you're not allowed inside. You're just going to have to wait until he is moved to a general patient room"


"Do you feel good about yourself?" I blood ran cold at the sound of Mikayla's voice.

"Leave me alone" I whispered. Not ready to cry in front of the entire school population.

"Why couldn't you just leave them alone?" Mikayla continued and I grit my teeth.

"Mikayla" I pleaded with her.


I've been waiting an hour inside of this waiting room since the nurse refused to let me in to see Marc.

I've just been waiting to see anyone. Mrs. Preston. Eric. Matt. Summer. Anyone. Even Dr. Preston.

I just need to know if Marc's okay...

My eyes snapped up when I saw the doors to the ICU slowly begin to open.


"They aren't on your level, fatass" Mikayla hissed at me. "You wormed your way into their lives and now look at Marc"

I felt the tears start leaking down my face. Because she was right. If I had never came back into their lives, Marc would be okay right now...

"Is the fat bitch crying now?" Mikayla laughed and then I snapped.

I heard a crunch as my fist collided with Mikayla's nose.

She stumbled back a little bit before her eyes connected with mine. They had a dark glint in them.

"Marc's not here to protect you anymore"

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