Take it easy, friend.

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Do it NOW! NOW! NOW! The rush, the uneven flow, the lack of rhythm and breathing? Ha! I'll mock that, that's not allowed here. What does your breathing give us? It doesn't bring us the power that we hunger. We ruled your world before you were even here. I promise (I really do) that I'll look after it; in the meantime work hard and I'm sure you'll be able to afford a couple years of debt. A house? A family? An opinion? Ha! What is this, the 90's? Take a hike with that idea, if you can find the time that is.

You're the generation NOW! Yet I'm the one forcing it. You really want a year or two? Tough luck, once you finish school you're off to more school young man. You don't know what you want to do? Tough luck, it's either now or never. I don't care if you'll live till your eighty, I demand everything before your thirty! What's that you ask, what is a mortgage, the difference between a debit or credit card, taxes? Don't worry about! There not important... Yet. Take it easy, I'm sure the hammer in the face after your exams will help.

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