Chapter 9 - The End

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"You have five minutes!" Maddie said.

"What! No! I am not killing you! Do you hear that! I'm not killing her you bitch! You can't have her too!" Veronica screamed.

"Ronnie! Calm down!" Maddie said holding Veronica's shoulders.

"I am not killing you!" Veronica said crying.

"You have too! It clearly said that only one can survive. And you need to live not me." Maddie said.

"No! I won't do it! It gets us both or nothing!" Veronica said.

"No! I am willing to die for you Ronni! You're my best friend and I will always always love you. We grew up like sisters." Maddie said.

"I am not killing you Maddie!" Veronica said.

"You don't have a choice!" Maddie said when the front door bursted open.

"She's right. You don't have a choice." It was Alexandra and Ariel.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Veronica asked.

"Saving you both." Alexandra said.

"What do we do?" Veronica asked.

"It's clear how it needs to be done. That demon wants your soul Maddie and in order to save yourself, you need to replace it with someone else's." Ariel said.

"What? How? Whose gonna trade such places like that for my life?" Maddie asked.

"I will." Alexandra said and Ariel closed her eyes tightly.

"What no! You can't do that!" Veronica said.

"It's either me or her!" Alexandra said.

"Then let me go." Veronica suggested.

"You can't kill yourself. The dare was to kill her. By her it can mean any girl or woman. You was given the dare so you can't use the dare to kill yourself." Ariel said.

"But that....that....doesn't make sense." Veronica said.

"Hurry up and kill me before the times is up! You got less than half a minute." Alexandra said.

"No! I can't kill neither of you both! I just can't!" Veronica said.

"Hurry up! You have less than 10 seconds!" Ariel said as she pushes Veronica.

"Hey!" Veronica called as she then heard a shallow gasp escape from someone she hit.

"Just in time." Ariel whispered in fear and sadness. Veronica looked down to see the knife she was holding from this table was stabbed through Alexandra's stomach.

"Shit! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Veronica screamed while crying as she knelt down with the dead corpse of Alexandra on the ground. She was dead.

"No!" Veronica screamed as the clock rang three times once again.

"ITS OVER!! CONGRATULATIONS THE REMAINING TWO!!" The voice whispered and they all furiously looked around while crying.

"Aunt Alexandra! Please!" Veronica yelled while Ariel hugged her. Maddie was also crying. It was a very very sad moment.

Some Time Later....

Veronica, Maddie and Ariel was wrapped in towel as they say behind the ambulance.

"Hi, I'm guessing you both know me. Officer Chad Roderick. What happened here tonight?" He asked. Maddie was sniffing while Veronica was lost in her thoughts.

"Uhm...sir officer. There's something wrong and bad happened. Come with me, back to my home. You're gonna get an report that's gonna prove that whatever they tell you, is real." Ariel said.

"Fine. But I need to speak with Veronica Grayson alone for two minutes if you don't mine." Chad said as Ariel nodded. She shook Veronica whom has finally hit back reality.

"Come with me." Chad said. Veronica then got up and walked with Chad to the other side.

"Veronica. The report you give that day at the station, now I'm not flirting or saying anything like that sort to you but I know you speak the truth. I saw a look in your eyes that proves that you were right all along. But that's only what I believes, the court isn't gonna listen unless you can prove it. Your cousin or whoever she is to you, the girl Ariel, she said she has the proof, we're gonna need her to bring us that information." He said.

"And why couldn't you tell me this there?" Veronica asked.

"Because right now, all the evidence in the station is pointing to you. You're the main suspect." Chad said.

"Still you could of told me this there." Veronica said.

"There's something else. I found this inside while investigating." He said handing Veronica the heart shape necklace she didn't notice she had lost.

"How did you know this is mines?" Veronica asked.

"The day at the interrogation, I saw you wearing it." He said.

"Thank you. This....this necklace isn't just a piece of jewelry it is so much more." Veronica said crying as she hugged Chad.

"Eh em!" Chad scoffed as Veronica let go.

"Sorry. I got carried away." She said.

"Its no problem. Let's go back." He said and Veronica nodded.

One Week Later....

They were all gathered for the funeral of eight. All of Maddie's and Veronica's friends, their graves were lined up in a line. In the middle was Alexandra's grave. Their families were all saying their last words then left.

"They didn't deserve this." Veronica said with Maddie and Ariel on either sides of her.

"None of us did. But it is what it is. We have to bury this game, we have to end it." Ariel said.

"Let's go. It's about to rain." Maddie said as they left and went into Chad's van. Chad was driving of course, Veronica in the passenger's seat and both Ariel and Maddie in the backseat.

"Ready?" He asked them and they nodded saying yes. They've all gotten closer and know each other after the horrible night a week ago. While starting the car it wouldn't start.

"What's wrong?" Veronica asked.

"It won't start. I'll take a look." He said as he got out. They all followed him out and went to the front of the car. He raised up the car front piece to check the engine.

"Can one of you go and start the car?" He asked.

"Yeah." Ariel said as she went into the driver's seat.

"Try it." Chad said and Ariel then started it.

"Nope! Still not." Ariel said.

"I'll call for help." Veronica said dialing a number. Then a bolt knot fell of the car and rolled into the middle of the road.

"Shit!" Chad said.

"I'll get it!" Maddie said. In this car the reverse screen turned on.

"ONLY ONE SURVIVES!!" It marked. Ariel was beyond shock and fear in her.

"Maddie! Wait!"  She yelled getting both Veronica and Chad's attention. As Maddie went to get it a speeding truck drove and hit her.

"ARHHHHH!!!!" They screamed in horror as Maddie's body was pitch and her head was off her body. Blood was everywhere.

"ARH!" Veronica screamed in fear louder.

Truth OR Dare?


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