~Chapter Six~

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Hiya, my lovely beans! Hoping everyone's having a great day/afternoon/night wherever you are. Here is the new chapter you've all been waiting for.❤


Frantically jostling with the doorknob, you inserted your keys into the key lock and burst through the door once you finally managed to force open the Goddamn thing. Tears of your unbridled frustrated anguish clouded within your eyes and tethered dangerously on the brink of surging down your cheeks. Slamming the door behind you shut, you staggered yourself up against the wall and aggravatingly grazed a hand through the tousled tresses of your (H/c) hair. A disgruntled sigh spilled from between your clenched teeth as you massaged your scrunched brow. You were beyond pissed after that disastrous occurrence you encountered with Drew not long ago. What the actual hell was that guy's problem? Throughout the course of time you've known Drew, the vast majority of it involved nothing but his hidden hatred towards your existence. You'd had always been kind loving, respectful, and jokingly humorous toward him, but it appeared as though no matter what you did, Drew would always hate you. As if he imagined you as some villainous feign instead of a decent human being on this Earth. And of course, during random videos that featured both you and Drew, the fewest of fans in the comment section speculated that immense loathsome dislike Drew presently directed towards you, but everyone always shrugged it off it as friendly rivalry for the camera- a little act staged for publicity. Little did they know the actual truth, and that Drew did indeed hate you.

"I don't understand. Why does Drew hate me?!" you questioned to yourself aloud, enraged perplexity interlaced within the resonance of your tone. "What a douchebag! I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO HIM!"

Letting out another exaggerated grunt, you resentfully trudged to your living room, only for your foot to come in harsh collision to the corner of the wall. As a pulsing ripple of pain coursed through your aching foot, you yelped and collapsed backwards onto the ground.

"Agh- MOTHER OF ALL FUCK! Why does bad shit always happen to me?" you seethed bitterly, with small amounts of tears seeping from your eyes and maneuvering down the trail of your face.

Thrusting your hands to your face, you emitted a peeved grunt of instigated agitation and clutched ahold of your hair with both of your hands.

"God- kILL mE," you moaned indignantly and pinched the bridge of your nose. "I can't keep this a secret anymore. Drew has gotten on my last fucking nerve. I have to talk to Shane."

You would've considered the possibility of evading Drew's irritatingly provoking tactics as per usual, feigning ignorance and positioning that facade back onto your veneer and acting as though everything is alright, but today was the last straw. He tweaked relentlessly at the very last bristle of toleration, and all of the patience weighing in your being subsided into smaller quantities until you couldn't endure the unfair maltreat anymore. You had to enlighten Shane on what's been happening between you and Drew for the last several years. You just had to. How else would anyone find out about the truth of Drew Monson?

Whipping out your phone from your back pocket, your fingers hastily swiped across the screen as you selected the phone application. As you scrolled for a bit through the list of contacts, you halted once you spotted Shane's name. You trapped your nether lip in between your teeth, contemplating pensively to yourself on whether or not you should do this. Psyche clogged by the endless perpetual cycle of thoughts. Debating internally for a prolonged moment's time, you considered various scenarios; would he even believe you? Dismiss you as being overly dramatic? What if he thought you were trying to make Drew look like the bad guy? What if it ruined their close wholesome correspondence he and Drew established for the longest time? What if it ruined YOUR relationship with him? Would he be really upset?

(DISCONTINUED) I Love You | Shane Dawson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now