Chapter Two

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Andie wasn't going to let that be the end of the argument. The alien seemed satisfied that she could not use the teleporter to get him off the planet, but when she told him she wasn't going with him, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from her station. They were out the door and ducking through shadowed alleys before her mind could catch up to what had happened. She'd been kidnapped by an alien escapee from prison and if the guards found her they were sure to think that she was working with him. She was screwed.

"Please, just let me go." She was not above begging, not if that got her freedom. "I'm of no help to you. I'll only slow you down. Please, I won't tell the guards I saw you." She winced as the last sentence escaped her mouth. Maybe it wasn't wise to remind her captor that she could stand as a witness against him.

They moved swiftly, but Andie had no idea where they were going. She wanted to ask, but she didn't want to know, not if knowing would encourage the alien to keep her with him. The suns hung low in the sky and soon it would be getting dark. She was far away from her apartment and already would be cutting it close. She couldn't get caught out after curfew, the consequences were too high. She had to get the alien to let her go before they passed the point of no return.

"I will get you out of the city," said the alien. He scanned their surroundings, looking less like a prisoner and more like a soldier with every minute that passed. "You'll no longer be trapped."

A whisper of temptation snaked through her. Out of the city? On her way home? No, it was too good to be true. "Does that mean you're just going to kill me once I've served my purpose?" There were other options, some she'd already lived through, but Andie didn't want to spend too long dwelling on that.

Her question stopped the alien in his tracks and his head snapped around, bright blue eyes meeting hers. "What? No!" He sounded truly horrified.

Had she judged him wrong? Perhaps he was one of the many innocents who ended up in the city jail. "What were you in prison for?"

"Murder." He said it matter-of-factly, daring her to react.

Andie crossed her arms. "You aren't helping your case here, buddy." Murder? She shouldn't help a murderer escape the city, no matter the horrors the prison had to offer. It was a terrible place, but some of the inmates did belong there.


"Huh?" What was he talking about now? Andie's mind spun, and a part of her was convinced that she was still back at work, perhaps having fallen asleep at the end of her shift.

The alien was patient with her. "My name is Xandr, not Buddy."

"Oh." That made more sense. Of course he had a name.

"Your name is O?" he asked.

What? "No."

"No?" Now he looked confused.

What the hell was going on? Maybe the city was starting some sort of prank show to broadcast to anyone with an entertainment system. That would make more sense than being kidnapped by a murderous escaped prisoner named Xandr who had eyes as blue as the summer sky.

Andie tamped down that thought. She wasn't about to allow herself to admire her kidnapper's eyes, or his physique, or the sensual sound of his voice. Oh crap.

"My name is Andie," she spoke mostly to override her own train of thought. "Why do you need me anyway?" The teleportation station was a good distance from the prison. If he had made it that far on his own, she had no idea why he would need someone like her to make it any further. She was just a normal person, someone living the life she was forced to live in the city. She had no special skills, and if she knew how to escape the city she would've surely done it already.

Rogue Alien's Escape: Alien Abduction RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now