Chapter 2: Attacked & Captured

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(A/N: Dialogue in Italics is translation from Russian.)

You were sound asleep when you felt something wet hit you in the face. You groan and scrunched up your face as you slowly open your eyes and see Daisy had jumped on the bed, licking your face. "Okay...okay." you whispered then she jumps over your shoulder. You, being on your right side, look over your shoulder and see that she had jumped over to John, and started licking his face to wake him up.

"I'm up. I'm up..." John groans as he starts to wake up and the alarm goes off. You couldn't help but giggle at this as he reaches over and shuts the alarm. You sit up in the bed then Daisy jumps on your lap then she begins to pant and wag her tail. "Alright, c'mon." You said to the little beagle as you pet the top of her head. You turn to John, who was getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed, then you scoot over to him and lean your chin on his shoulder then wrap your arms around his shoulder.

He takes one of your hands in his and kissed your hand. You go and kiss his cheek then he turns his head and both of you share a gentle kiss. You hug him, tightly, before you get out of bed, Daisy taking off like a rocket out of the room.

You went the kitchen and started a pot of coffee while John went to get the morning paper. But just as he opens the door, Daisy takes off outside. "Hey!" He calls out to her but saw that she went out into the yard and started to squat. "Oh. Right." He mutters. "Everything okay?" You called out. "Yeah, fine. She...uh...just had to use the..." John replied as he picks up the paper. "Oh! I gotcha." You said as Daisy runs back to him as the two of them come back inside.

Daisy walks up to you as John comes over and sets the paper down on the counter, and she begins to whine. "What?" John asked Daisy as she looks up at you and you look down at her. "She's probably hungry." You said then both you and John started to look around the kitchen for some type of food for her.

All you guys really had was cereal, this made you sigh. "Guess we're gonna have to make a trip to the store." You said to John as he pulls out the cereal box then prepares three bowls of cereal. Then puts one down for Daisy and she instantly started eating it up. You let out a small chuckle at this as you take your bowl from John and the two of you started to eat breakfast.

After eating and getting ready for the day, John grabs his keys to the Mustang and the two of you head to the garage, Daisy trailing behind you guys. Once in the garage, John opens the Mustang's passenger door for you and you get inside. But before he could close it, Daisy runs in and jumps up on your lap. "Well, hey there." You whispered then looked up at John and nodded. He goes and shuts the door then makes his way to the driver's side and gets in.

He looks over at you as you were petting the dog, a genuine smile on your face. He reaches over to Daisy and petted her head then starts the car and heads off.

After running some errands, John stops at a gas station and starts to put gas in the car. Daisy props herself to the window and looks out just as another car, that was blasting loud rap music, pulls up. You watched the car and rolled your eyes at this as three guys come out of the car. Then they started to speak to each other in another language, you think it was Russian, and one of them starts to pump gas in the car while the second guy goes into the station and the third guy, who was wearing a hoodie and smoking a cigarette, was yelling something at him.

The young man in the hoodie, Iosef, looks over at the Mustang and walks over. Immediately, you felt uncomfortable as he walks up to John. "Nice ride." Iosef compliments. "Mustang. Boss 429. She a '70?" Iosef asked John as he taps the hood of the car. "'69." John replied as he finishes pumping the gas. "Huh. Beautiful car." Iosef said, impressed. "Thanks." John said as he goes over to the driver's door.

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