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2 Tyler

One Year Ago

"Yo man what was that out there today?" I looked over at Jamie as we were getting changed to go home.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. Tinsley, right?" I smiled. "See!" Shaking my head laughing I looked over at him.

"Nothing, I was teaching her to skate, so she didn't have to just sit on the bench."

"Right, and spinning her to fall on you instead of easily catching her so she didn't fall at all?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I saw an opportunity, so I took it." He laughed as we exited the arena to our cars.

"You want to go out tonight?"

"Na, I'm beat going to just head home."

"Cool see you tomorrow." We did our handshake and left. I walked inside my house greeted instantly by my dogs.

"Hey boys, you miss me?" After getting them dinner and letting them outside I sat down on the couch and decided to text our PR rep, he was the one that helped set stuff up like today.

Hey Markie question for you - Me

'I knew this was coming.' -Markie

What? -Me

'You want to know about that woman, today don't you?' -Markie

I am not that obvious. -Me

'You rarely text me, then a gorgeous woman shows up and I get a text, just putting two and two together buddy. Look all I know is the school she works at, someone else set everything up her name isn't even on any of the forms. After meeting with her today I do need to say that she is way out of your league Segs. Pro or not, that woman is pure, and with your bachelor reputation I highly doubt she'll even give you a second look. On top of if you do somehow convince her to, if you fuck it up, the repercussions I have to deal with are going to be so major.' -Markie

Ye have little faith. -Me

'Ye knows you too well. Plus, one of the guy teachers already called me to say that you were very unprofessional with her.' -Markie

What? I was not! I swear on that one. I just strictly helped her skate. We were holding hands and talking so she wouldn't fall, oh and I gave her my jacket because she was cold it was all innocent. -Me

'I wasn't aware you even knew that that word meant.' -Markie

What school does she work at? -Me

'I'm serious Segs.' -Markie

Please. -Me

'I despise you sometimes. Walnut Hill.' -Markie

Thank you I'll use it wisely. -Me

'Yea, yea I'm sure I'll regret this.' -Markie

I set my phone down next to me trying to figure out the best way to go about asking this woman out. Tomorrow was Saturday so I couldn't even try to find out anything until Monday when the school was open again. Hopefully I'll have some kind of plan by then.

I woke up to my alarm at 5am, hopped up and headed to the gym like usual. Today wasn't too crazy I had some more kids coming to the rink to hang out with Jamie and I. Oh and still had to figure out how the hell to ask this gorgeous woman to get a drink or something.

A Puck to the Heart / Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now