Chapter 4: Weirdos, Flying cabbages... What next?

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Y/N'v POV:

I am heading to the guild to show them that my request was finished so I can get my pay. I need to earn some money so that I can get a roof under my head, as well as to get myself some weapons and armour. 

Although I did get some items from the chest that will need to be appraised later. Hopefully they will be useful as I think they will be.

I will have to start doing my old training again, start doing proper practise with my Phoenix ability and gain as much money as I possibly can. My old instincts of the presence of money is starting to act up... Today might be a day where I will be able to gain a good amount of money.

Whilst I kept thinking, I arrived at the Adventurer's Guild without noticing. As I walked in, I headed to the receptionist desk to give in the quest. Luna seemed to notice me heading towards the desk and greeted me...

Luna: "Good morning, Y/N. Are you here to hand in the quest you went on?" I looked to her and smiled...

Y/N: "Yup, completed it yesterday but they let me stay there for the night so I wasn't able to come then."

Luna: "Okay, just wait for a second and I will get your payment."

As she went, I noticed the brown haired kid from before entering into the Guild. I hope he doesn't come to talk to me ever... 

Luna: "Y/N, I've got you your pay."

As I turned around towards Luna and grabbed my pay, I was heading towards one of the chairs when...


I turned around towards the noise and saw the same kid but this time holding black panties this time. He was facing towards a girl who wore a red and orange dress, a dark brown pointed hat and a bandaged up leg with a stocking on the other leg. 

Is he a lolicon? When I though this, I heard the sexually offended girl say...

Girl: "What's your problem? Did your stats and level go up or something, because your class has gone from Adventurer to Pervert. Now can I have my panties back, it's a bit drafty..."

I boomed out into laughter as soon as I heard what she had said. Thankfully, I wasn't too loud for them to hear me because I don't want to be near them right now. Mainly because that guy is getting some weird looks from the girls around here.

A blonde warrior looking woman went in front of the sex offender, the title that I have given him, and looks like she is getting ready to lash out at him... this should be fun.

Blonde: "This goes beyond savage! How dare you shame her in public like this, I cannot stand here and do nothing, therefore I shall ask you again... Will you let me join  your party?!"

Hold up...

Sex offender kid: "Forget it."

As soon as he said that, she leaned backwards and moaned in pleasure, starting to breathe heavily. I thought that he would get a beating, but here comes a freak who wants to be in a party with another freak. As they say 'Birds of a feather, flock together'. 

I decided to ignore them and headed towards one of the furthest tables and sat down. Better not be near anyone here because there seem to be some weirdos around here...

Ah! That's right, I haven't had a look at my adventurer's card ever since I finished clearing out those Goblin's. I should have levelled up quite a bit because I did take out what seemed to be a boss and a couple dozen normal Goblin's. I took out my card and noticed some changes to it...


LV: 9

SP: 45

Konosuba x Male Reader InsertNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ