Chapter Five

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Hey, guys! Well, these past 2 weeks have been a whirlwind - cross-country States and Halloween and I got my braces off AND I passed my road test! I'm now a licensed driver, whoo hoo! I'm so excited to drive somewhere by myself, even though it'll probably be like the library lol. Anyway, i hope you enjoy this chapter - please comment and let me know what you think. I've never written a book like this before and I need some critiquing. Thanks loads!

Pic of Kasey Andrews (Amanda Seyfried) --->

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Five

The following morning clashed in normal first day of school chaos. My mom tried to feed Mo while making sure Sean and Cassidy got dressed, and my dad gave me a long talk about driving to school alone for the first time. I would be driving Caleb to school as well, since his middle school was near Jefferson High, where I went.

“Make sure Caleb isn’t late,” my dad lectured me as I wolfed a bowl of Cheerios. “And leave early enough that you don’t have to speed to get to class. If it’s raining –”

“It's not raining,” I interrupted, dropping my spoon.

“I am simply asking you to be safe –”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.”

I got to my feet and slung my backpack over my shoulder, kissing my mom on the cheek and ruffling Mo’s wispy hair. Calling for Caleb, I avoided crashing into Cassidy, who was dashing down the stairs, and escaped the house before I lost a limb.

Driving to school by myself after dropping off Caleb felt strange, since I was used to fighting over radio presets with Jack. But it definitely felt good to be in control, picking my own parking spot and getting to school at a reasonable hour; Jack had loved to be super early.

“Hey, Coop!” called Joey Walters, jogging to catch up with me as we entered the school. He clapped me on the back with a little more enthusiasm than school warranted. “So what happened with Davis yesterday? We were all like, whoa. Did your dad chew you out?”

“Davis is just a major jerk,” I said, clenching my jaw. I liked Joey, but sometimes he was a little too up in my business. “He’ll get over himself once he plays with us more.”

“Just so you know, we were all for kicking him off the team.”

“Thanks,” I said, grinning. “Too bad you’re not the coach, huh?”

“We could start a petition!” he suggested as he turned down his hallway, and I shook my head, lifting my hand as I continued towards my locker.

A couple more guys from the team swarmed me as I made my way down the hall, all talking loudly about what Jenna Peters had said to Mike the night before. I only half-listened to them, uninterested in what Jenna wanted, since I’d broken up with her freshman year. Now I only had eyes for one girl.

Thanks to alphabetical order, Kasey Andrews’ locker was in my hallway, and I recognized her long blonde hair, pulled into place with a pink bow, as I turned the corner. Her back was to me and her hair swung in front of her face as she leaned into her locker, chatting with some volleyball girls who stood with her.

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