Chapter Three

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As expected, the pictures from your date were circling through the tabloids again. They even managed to take some photos of the two of you inside the restaurant. But the picture you liked the most was of you looking at Tom with the biggest smile and him returning one just as big, your hands intertwined. You couldn't deny it, you guys looked cute together. You saved the picture to your phone, edited it a bit (just a little colour correction) and set it as your lock screen. That's what real couples do, right?

You and Tom were going to your parent's house for dinner tonight and you'd rather be safe than sorry.

It had been relatively easy to find a date where everyone was available to have dinner. Secretly, you had hoped that it wouldn't work out. But apparently Tom wasn't as busy as usual this week and your parents always made an effort to have dinner together anyway. Kate and her fiancé Daniel would be there, too. So you had to play your part well.

You were picking up Tom this time, you didn't want him to be the one driving you around the whole time. You couldn't sit around in your flat any longer so you drove to Tom's place earlier than you needed. So now you were standing in front of Tom's flat waiting for him to open the door. When he did, you were immediately greeted by Tessa, Tom's staffy.

"Can I pet her?" You asked Tom crouching down before looking up at him. He seemed to be freshly showered, his hair still wet, a few strands falling in his face. He was wearing a black shirt and black jeans, as usual. His arm was leaning against the doorframe. He looked so good you had to tear your eyes away from him, looking back at the dog in front of you.

"Of course, just let her smell your hand first." You do as Tom told you and then petted her head making her walk towards you, her head rubbing against your thigh. "She likes you." Tom smiles "You wanna come in?"

You took a moment to answer still caressing Tessa's fur. "Yeah, sure." You stood up from your crouched position on the floor and entered Tom's flat. The living room was spacious and he didn't seem to care much about decorating. The only thing hanging on the wall beside a tv was an Avengers poster. You sat down on the sofa and Tessa immediately joined you making Tom let out a laugh.

"Well, seems like she likes you more than me now." Tom sits down next to you, his arm on the back of the sofa, and suddenly you were very aware of his presence.

You took your phone out of your pocket to show Tom your lock screen. "I saw the pictures today and since we don't have any cute couple selfies I figured I'd use one of those." You laugh while Tom looks at your phone screen.

"Why don't we take some selfies now?" He proposes and moves a little closer to you.

"Only if Tessa's in the picture as well." You try to hide the blush on your checks as you pet the staffy again. Tom laughs and pats the spot between you and him so Tessa hops over your lap.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiles at you and you hand him your phone because his arms were longer and you didn't want to sport a double chin on a selfie with Tom. While Tom was holding your phone with his right hand, his left arm pulled you closer, resting around your waist his hand on your hip. You leaned your body against him while Tessa looked between the two of you. Tom took some selfies where you were just smiling at the camera before moving his face closer to yours, placing a kiss on your cheek. You were surprised but your smile only widened. When you moved your face to look at him, his face was still so close your nose was almost touching his.

If this had been just a normal date or if Tom had been just a normal guy you would've kissed him. But this was fake. You were taking these picture to convince your parents that you were dating when in reality you weren't. He didn't give you that kiss on the cheek because he likes you, he did it for the photo.

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