Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"I am going to town for a few hours again today, so just eat without me." Sebastian looked like he had not gotten much sleep the night before. Though, in all honesty, neither had I.

"Okay." I glanced up at him.

"See you soon." He did not even bother to try to show affection, instead he just rushed out of the room with a more serious face than usual.

He had been acting strange for the past few days, as if he were on edge. He had been quite paranoid, hardly ate, and spent his excess time practicing the sword. Sebastian had stopped teasing me, and hardly if ever spoke to me at all unless he was leaving to go to town.

I cannot say honestly that his lack of attention or that he had become distant had bothered me, because it was almost like he was not even in the house at all, which was rather comforting. But, the more unhinged he became the more volatile he was, and I had to be overly cautious around him for my own safety. The more days that passed by, the more he looked like he was one push away from snapping.

I questioned what had caused him to become so upset and worried with each passing day. However, after a while I had begun to suspect that it could have had something to do with Adam. I couldn't get his words out of my head from the other day at dinner, and 'Until Adam is dead' continuously circulated in my mind.

It did not take me long to imagine the things Sebastian could have done or had been planning to do, since it was obvious that he would not be able to rest until Adam was gone. If he continued on this self-destructive path that he had started down, it would not have been too long before he took matters into his own hands.

Logically, there was no outcome to where Sebastian would win if he went after Adam one on one. Adam was stronger, faster and had heightened senses. Sebastian could not amount to that since he was merely just a man. It was a fool's errand, there was no way a cold and calculating man like him would attempt such a ridiculous affair. He would have been better off leaving Adam to rot in the castle until the curse was complete.

Though, perhaps that too was what was bothering him. Not knowing what was going to happen after Adam finally transformed must have been eating him up inside. The lack of control maddening.

Yet, I must say, the thought had also crossed my mind and it too somewhat scared me. Even though he could not smell either of our blood, meaning we most likely would not have been harmed if he ended up going on a rampage, I still feared for the safety of the less fortunate.

I wanted to believe that once the curse had finished and the monster fully took over, Adam would have instantly headed to the Imperial Palace and killed his father. I mean, that was his purpose after all. But part of me knew it was not that simple of an affair, and the devastation left in the beast's wake would have been irreparable.

I sat there just looking at my food. Even though I had no appetite, I tried to eat something. My head had been pounding ever since I woke up from that dream and I felt slightly weak, there was no need to add lightheadedness to the mix.

A little over a half an hour had past when Whitby woke me up from where I had dozed off at the table. "Mademoiselle?" She whispered.

"Yes, Whitby, what is it?" I was groggy, but at least my head had eased off a bit.

"I need you to follow me, quickly and quietly." I could barely hear her, but I understood what she had said.

"Why?" I too started whispering.

"Garna is here. If you are going to try to escape, now would be the time." She tugged at my sleeve.

"Garna?" I looked at her puzzled. "Why is Garna here? She should be at the castle. Quickly, take me to her."

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