8: Alton O'Quinn

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I looked for a new job for the remainder of that week. Everything I tried, they turned me down when they found out I was the "local school counselor accused of murdering pregnant wife".

Anyway, itt wasn't until January 22nd, exactly two weeks after my wife's murder, that I met Crystal's fiancé,  Alton O'Quinn.

I was looking for a job at the animal shelter when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Crystal with a man. They were each holding animals, a golden retriever puppy in Crystal's arms, a grey tabby cat in the man's.

"Nolan, hi!" She said. "What are you doing here?" The puppy yips. She had dark jeans and a fuzzy maroon sweater. Her hair was down. I realized this was the first time I saw her with her hair down. It was wavy and soft looking, and went down past her shoulders.

"Looking for a job." I said. Still.

"Oh, this would be a great place to work." Crystal smiled. "Oh! Nolan, this is my fiancé, Alton O'Quinn. Alton, this is Nolan McCain." She gestured to each of us in turn.

Alton was a tall man, mine and Crystal's age, with light brown hair and blue eyes like Crystal's. He wore a denim jacket over his blue  shirt. Stiking out one hand while balancing the cat in the other, he said: "I've heard a lot about you."

"Not so great things, I'd guess." I said after shaking his hand.

He smiled a bright, beaming smile that was blinding. "Only from the press. But Crystal's reports sure have changed."

"So it would seem." I smiled, glancing at her. "Congratulations on the wedding, by the way."

"Thank you." Alton responded. The cat meowed.

Crystal spoke up. "We're hoping to buy a pet to help make our new home...homier." She smiled.

"Oh, you're buying a new house?" I asked.

Crystal nodded. "It's actually just outside Fairview in Silverway."

"Silverway's nice." I said. "And I'd get the dog. I've had a cat before. Nothing but scratched hands and arms for ten years." I chuckled a little.

Alton laughed. "I guess that's two against one. Dog it is." He began to put the cat back in the box. "I can't do it, Crystal. Look at this cat's face!" The cat had a look of pure hatred toward everything and everyone.

Crystal looked between the cat and dog. "Well, do you want to get both?"

"Yes." Alton said. "This cat is my second love."

Crystal rolled her eyes and laughed. "Alright. We'll get both."

I laughed a little. "Well, it was nice meeting you. I should go apply now." I pointed to the register behind us.

"Yes, go." Crystal said, ushering me away with her hand.

"Nice meeting you." Alton said.

I waved goodbye and went back to the desk. "You were here for a job, sir?" The woman with blonde hair and green eyes behind the desk said.

"Yes." I said.

"Name, please?"

Oh no. "Nolan McCain." I waited for the typical reaction.

"Reason for leaving previous job?" She didn't seem familiar with the name, but how was I supposed to answer this question?

"Um..." I thought. "I was let go."

She typed that up, opened her mouth, then seemed to realize who she was talking to. "Oh... I-I'm sorry, sir. It turns out we don't have any jobs available."

I frowned. "Well you did when I came in here." I said.

"I must've been mistaking. I'm very sorry."

I glared at her. I couldn't help it. Just come out and say you aren't allowed to hire me because of those damn papers!

"Thanks for your time." I said through clenched teeth, then stormed out and jumped in my car. Once it was started, I blasted the heat and put my head in my hands. "I'll never find a job."

Another week later, on January 30th, I finally received the things from my office at school. Nothing important, just papers, small plants, and a pencil sharpener.

"How kind of them." I muttered. I sat in my recliner and grabbed my laptop to search for more jobs when I saw I got an e-mail from Steven Welling. There was no subject to it.

Mr. McCain,

I'm sorry about the other day. I didn't mean to upset you...

Upset me? The kid didn't even say anything, and I freaked on him. I must be more tense than I thought.

I get it though. I'm sorry about everything that's been going on. I kinda miss you. This new counselor is fine, I guess, but she doesn't know me like you did. I don't really feel comfortable enough to just pop in anymore. You're still one of my references.


I sighed and clicked reply, but only watched the line blink. I couldn't find any words to say to him. This kid and I have been like father and son, and the last time I saw him, I truly did act like his father. It's a wonder he even e-mailed me in the first place. And to do what? Say sorry for no reason?

Finally, I wrote:


Thank you for understanding. I'm terribly sorry about what went down, you have no reason to feel bad or obligated to apologize. I miss you too, but there once was a point in time even you and I didn't know each other. Give the new counselor time.

And besides, you only have four more months anyway.

Mr. McCain

I closed out of my e-mail and onto the job searcher.

"Oh look," I said. "Literal pooper scooper." The job was calling for someone to clean up the poop left behind by the horses in a parade coming up. "That's a last resort."

Scrolling through, I saw jobs for library aid (unpaid yet part-time), the animal shelter (tried that), a local market called Fairview Funk (stupid name), and Xander's Sandwiches.

"I guess the sandwich place is where I'll start." I sighed and clicked the apply button. This was my ninth application for a job.

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