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(n.) nonsense; as trivial or senseless talk

"So I take it you guys didn't bang in the woods then?" Lilly asked me as soon as I got home, Arrax had to get some work done, so it was only me and her. 

"You really are persistent about this, huh?" I smirked at her with a cocked brow.

"Well duh, I want you to be our new Luna." 

Her statement seemed like the most obvious answer, but both her and I knew why I hadn't touched Arrax. To be honest, I appreciated her acting as casual as possible with me, if she started changing now then the other werewolves would know something was off. Her smile showed me that she knew what she was doing and I nodded in appreciation. I couldn't smell others nearby, but one could ever be too sure. 

"What's for dinner tonight?" I asked to change the subject, Arrax and I had been out all day and now it was time for dinner, my Goddess was I hungry.

"We're on our own tonight, but I ordered some pizza and the guys are coming over, so would you like to watch some movies with us?" She asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes. 

"This pack seriously has their own restaurant?" I asked a bit flabbergasted, getting a laugh in return from Lilly.

"Restaurants, actually. Plural, but yes, we're a lot of werewolves here after all."

She had a point there.

"I'll just change into something comfy and then I'm ready for an evening filled with pizza and movies, honestly it's exactly what I need at the moment." I said to her.

"That's what I thought, I'll get the guys to bring some alcohol as well. I'm guessing you need a lot to hold you down, right?" I knew she was asking whether I needed lots of alcohol to feel it since I was an Aurelia. 

"I actually don't, no. Which really came in handy when I drank at the woodsy bars before I came here." Laughing at the memories, she cocked an eyebrow at me. 

"So you were a rogue who liked to get drunk in bars hidden in the woods, now that doesn't sound too safe."

"You're being parental, you know." I laughed at her concern, it wasn't dangerous for me because I usually would overpower them if they tried anything. 

She smiled lightly at me, "I know, sorry. It's just, I want you to be safe now and I have this feeling.."

Frowning at her when her mood once again shifted, "Feeling? About what?"

"That you want to run away." Her honest statement shocked me and I didn't manage to hide my surprise, she pointed an accusing finger at me, "So you do, huh? You don't know what that would end up with in this pack, it's dangerous to leave now. Alpha is too attached, and quite frankly, I am too."

Running my hand through my hair in a nervous manner, "Okay, I won't lie to you. Initially, I was going to escape, but now I'm not so sure. Arrax and I are doomed, but I've grown too fond of all the people here. It would be painful to leave. But remember, Lilly, it might come down to me not having a choice in the matter."

"I know.." She sighed, "It's just frustrating and scary to consider, who am I going to gossip with if you leave."

"Then don't consider it, I haven't gone anywhere yet. Tonight we're having a great evening with the guys and lots of junk, I'll just go upstairs and change real quick." Smiling at her, trying to reassure her that she can trust me, she gave me a small smile in return. 

I quickly walked upstairs and into my room where I found a comfy red hoodie, very oversized, and some black leggings. This was always my absolute go to if I needed to be comfortable, but then again, when I was living rogue I didn't have to be comfy, I just had to be warm. After changing into the clothes, I put my hair up into a messy bun and decided to face the others downstairs. I could smell some of them, so they must be ready to watch a movie. 

As soon as I landed in the living room, the guys were sprawled on the couch already. Lilly came in with pizza and as she placed them on the table I saw the vodka and beer as well, they really meant it with the alcohol. 

"Hey guys." I greeted when I fully entered the room. 

All eyes zeroed in on me, both Grant and Balto seemed surprised to see me, "Hey Aspen, we thought you were with Alpha?" Balto asked. 

Shaking my head, I sat down next to Grant on the couch, right in front of Lilly and Balto. "No, I came back around half an hour ago, he said work came in the way."

Grant and Balto shared a confused look, "He didn't tell us, did he mention anything to you, Grant?"

Grant shook his head, "No, but I'm sure everything's fine." He turned his head towards me, "By the way thank you for helping me out that day, they really didn't believe me when I told them that you had me kneeling."

Waving him off, "No, don't worry, I'm sorry you ended up in a cell in the first place."

"It wasn't too bad, it gave me some time to think."

Lifting an eyebrow at him, "Yeah, you needed that or?"

He nodded his head with a small smile on his face, "I definitely did."

Before I had the chance to answer, an overwhelming scent reached my nose. Arrax. Just as I thought of him, he appeared in the door to the kitchen. His hair disheveled and he looked extremely tired, the dark circles around his eyes a dead giveaway. My fingers tingled to reach out and touch him, but I shouldn't and wouldn't touch him more than what was necessary. 

"You look tired." I commented lowly, when he sat down on the third couch that was entirely available. 

His bored eyes met mine, and I somehow felt the shift between him and I, something had changed during the hours he'd been away. "Sure." Frowning at him, he ripped his eyes away from mine, the harshness to his tone seemed completely unnecessary and uncalled for. I thought we had a good date, what happened since then? He rose from the couch and left to go to the kitchen, deciding to follow after him, I saw him hunched over the kitchen island.

"You good?" I asked him, the snappiness on my voice very noticeable. 

"I didn't fucking come here to be interrogated, so are you done now or what?" 

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