Chapter 10-I Am Not Princess!!!! (Part 3)

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(Okay, I know no one really reads my notes so this is the contest info! Yes, I'm putting in the chapter! So, as many of you know from previous chapters there are TWO happy couples. Tommy and Ana Maria plus Lance and Jeffory, now there will be two first-place winners and two for second-place! 

NOW! This isn't some character contest. No. Not again. This is a FAVORITE Character Contest. In the comments, I will be posting separate comments with each of the Damos boys and either Tristian's name or Ava's. The votes will be tallied by likes and replies. The sets with the most name will be the featured dates to the first wedding, the second most sets will be dates to the second wedding. I will refer to my own preferences if there is a tie.

THANKS, EVERYONE! And without further ado-ENJOY THE STORY!)

We just arrived as I took in the smell and sight around us. Pizza might not have been my favorite thing, but Ava loved it, and that was enough. I was doing this for her, and it seemed that was a constant reminder for myself as Rhys kept nearing me in the back of our Dad's cramped car. He made sure to give plenty of room for Ava and Noi though! At one point I even caught him trying to peak at my tattoo. I smacked him hard for that one. I didn't mind him asking but in front of my parents-no way.

"You guys head in," I said calmly as we stepped out of the car, "We'll wait out here and prep the guys before we eat."

"Ah," Pop said, "The old little Beware Our Fathers Speech. We gotcha Bumblebee." With that, they headed in and I just, I had to ignore everything they just said. First, they tried calling me their Angle, and it was a mess after we discovered I wasn't given my tattoo. Then they tried calling me their Phoenix, then they noticed my Phoenix tail. Then they just... thought Bumblebee was cute. I love them to death, and I wasn't going to tell them I hated it. They had one for Ava, so I guess when they took me in, they just wanted one for me too.

"This is terrible!" Ava said once they were gone. Okay, no one could help it, we all smiled. "I have no idea how to be on a date! I've never been on a date! Tris!" I laughed. I had to. Her panic was so cute.

"Breath Ava," I told her calmly once my laugh had subsided, "I went one a 'date' once, remember? It's basic, and the fact that Dad and Pop are here, just let them do most of the talking. I'll even tell them about my motorcycle to get them off the subject it needed." I sent her a wink and she relaxed a bit.

"Thanks for choosing me," Noi finally said, his cheeks a bit flushed. We all looked at him. His sweet innocent eyes in a smile. Reminded me of how I used to act before the world fell apart. I miss those days.

"What do you mean Noi?" Rhys asked.

"I just... I didn't think I would be trusted with something this important. Even you Rhys, you're a big deal in Damos, and they don't look at you as if you're a fool... unlike Prince Asch does with me." I let off a small smile. Innocents.

"Noi," I said and stepped towards him, "I trust you, and between us, I think Asch is the bigger fool for not trusting you. You got this." I winked at him with a kind smile. One I used to do with Ava when she cried as a child over the monster in her nightmares.

"Thanks, Tristian," Noi said with a smile.

"You're a good person Tristian," Rhys commented, "Now, what do we do exactly?"

"Just follow along with what we say and do," Ava said, "Our Pop, Devin, is into movies and fictional stuff."

"While Andrew, our Dad is more into political business," I finished.

My Inner Demons FanFicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें