Chapter 35

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We leave the Banquet and drive back to the condo, all of us excited and surprised we won the raffle! Me and Steph go to my room and change out of our dresses and into some comfy pajamas. "Thank god I packed these pjs!" Steph sighs. I giggle, "You know you can always have mine." "Awwee!" She gushes, "I like being around you Sage, your like...the sister I never had." I smile and embrace her. "You to Steph...I've been alone for so's a relief that I finally have someone." She sighs and a tear escapes her eye, "I know. And I feel so bad." I shake my head, "There's no need to feel bad hun...I'm fine now." She nods, "Yes..I know...I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry. And I don't want you to feel sorry either, ok?" She giggles, "Ok." We head out to the living room and the guys are already asleep on the couches. Steph and I look at each other and smile. I crawl into Will's arms and she does the same with Mitch. "Goodnight Say." "Goodnight Steph."

I wake up in my bed and look around my room. I don't remember falling asleep in my room. I turn over and Willy is still asleep. I look at him for a while and admire his beauty. He's probably one of the most attractive guys I've ever seen. I look over at the alarm clock. It reads 6 am. Since when do I get up at 6 am? I sigh and continue looking at Willy. He's just so..ugh! Ya know? I stroke his cheek with my fingers and he moves into my touch. I smile and kiss his nose ever so slightly. His eyes twitch but he doesn't wake up. 

I sigh again, for no apparent reason and slowly get up and look for my dri-fit clothes for hockey. Humm..where are they? I open all my drawers and closet..aha! Found them! I think about taking off my pajamas here or in the bathroom...I mean we had sex...would changing in front of him still be weird...but he's asleep...fuck it. I take off my pants and shirt. "Woah.." Will says, stretching. I look at him, "How long have you been awake?" I say. "Long enough to know that you were debating to change in front of me or not." I blush and roll my eyes, "I was not." He gives me a look and I scatter to change into the clothes. "No one said we're in a can take it slow.." He winks. I laugh, "Shut up." And continue changing. 

"Are you gonna get up or just lay there?" I ask, as I finish putting my socks on and hop on top of him. He groans and wraps his arms around me. "I say just lay here with you." I smile. He flips us over so that I'm on the bottom and he hugs my torso. I run my fingers through his hair and stroke his cheeks. He lifts up the bottom of my shirt and kisses my abdomen. I try my best to hold back moans but when I accidentally let one slip, Will wiggles his brows at me and runs his hands down my sides. I open my mouth but let out a sigh. He smiles and continues. "Noo..Willy, we have to go.." I whisper. "I don't care." He says. I giggle but genitally push him off. "Get ready, I'm getting my stuff." He pouts which I return and leave my room. 

I gather my equipment, It's been a while since I've had to take it with me anywhere. I steal a banana from the counter and take a moment to see if Mitch and Steph are awake, like expected their not and I luge my heavy bag over my shoulder and head to Will's car. I text him that I left and we leave the parking garage in no time. 

"So..." I say. "Mhmm." He nods. "Did you carry me to my bed?" He shakes his head, "Noo the ghost downstairs did." He says sarcastically. I laugh and hit his arm. "Thanks though. I would much rather sleep in a bed than on a couch." He smiles, "Anytime." We pull up to the arena and walk in together. "You know where to go?" Will asks me. I nod, "Yes sir, we're in change room 3 as always." He nods and tugs his hood over his head, "I'll go in the stands." "Sounds good," I kiss him and hurry to the dressing room. I take a deep breath, "Nothing to be afraid of." I whisper to myself. 

I push open the door and snag an empty seat. I work on getting my equipment on, ignoring the stares. I take slight unnoticeable glances at the other girls and see that they're all still there. No one is suspended or anything. I grunt at that and tug my jersey over my head. No sign of Thea. I'm a little surprised. 

"Alright ladies, let's get a move on!" Benny says and all the girls follow him to the ice. I strap my helmet on and follow along. We do some normal stretches and drills. I look into the stands and see Will in the front row. There's a few others but not much. "Ayye! Listen up!" Benny yells and we take a knee. "We're going to play a game." Yes, finally. "Three on three, let's set it up!" I smirk to myself, I feel bad for whoever bitch has me on their team. Not. I see who stays on the ice and who goes to the bench. Ahh, Melly. Good old 'im so innocent' backstabbing asshole. I follow her to the bench and start another awkward conversation. "Yo!" I say and sit next to her. She looks down. "What happened to Ms. lets blame me for everything?" Melly smiles at that but quickly shrugs. I smile, "Come on! You can tell me!" She sighs, "She got kicked off for a week." "Because of what she did?" Melly shakes her head, "No..because she disagreed with a drill Benny gave us." I give her a weird look but then it's our turn to go on.

I skate to center not caring about who else wanted to. I'm supposed to be the captain anyways. Benny does the tip off and I win it. It goes back to my side. I skate ahead as the girl passes it up. I deke out the forwards but one of the defenders checks me to the ground. I get hit hard but brush it off and skate towards the puck. This time I get tripped and shoved into the boards. I grunt, "Easy Tory." "Bitch can't even take a hit," She snarls, "Might as well beg for a penalty to?" I shake my head and she shoves me again. I huff and once again fall to the floor. I hear her laughing all the way to the bench. I pick myself up and head off. 

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