Chapter 7: I'll Kill Them All

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"Good evening. Is the manager in?" Santino asked Charon as he enters the Continental, breathless. "The manager is always in." Charon said and Santino walks away and down the stairs.

"Winston." Santino said as he makes his way downstairs in the lounge area, where Winston was sitting in a chair reading a book. "Mr. D'Antonio." Winston greets once he looks up from his book. "Your evening has been colorful, I see. Seeking safe harbor, I presume?" He asks as Santino walks up to him. "I want his membership revoked. Now." Santino demands as he walks up to Winston and places his hands on his hip. "In the eyes of this institution, Mr. Wick has breached no legalities." Winston informs him.

"Then you know that I have the right to demand of you..." Santino said but Winston talks over him. "Nothing. You demand nothing of me, Mr. D'Antonio. This kingdom is mine and mine alone." Winston said, firmly, as he gives the young man a stern look. "All right. Then enjoy your kingdom, Winston, while you still can." Santino spat. "And you its privileges, sir." Winston said and Santino walks away and orders some food.

Charon was typing away on his computer when he hears approaching footsteps. He looks up and his eyes widen when he sees you and John walking in, both of you looked tired and battle damaged as there was blood and sweat dripping down both yours and John's faces. "We're here to see Santino D'Antonio." John said to Charon.

Charon swallows and hesitates a bit but then he begins to speak. "He's waiting for you in the lounge, sir." He said and John nods and he walks off, you trailing behind him. The two of you walk over and look down from the little balcony to see Santino sitting at a table, eating. You clenched your fist as he looked up at you two and you could just see in his eyes that he believes that he won.

You and John walked down the stairs and towards him, while Winston looks at John with worry. "Duck fat. Makes all the difference." Santino said, smugly, as he takes another bite of his food.

"Jonathan..." Winston said, warningly. "Have you seen the menu here? Lot of options." Santino said. You wanted to hurt this man so bad but, even though you weren't an assassin, you still wanted to respect the rules of not hurting anyone while they were in the Continental. And by God did Santino know it as he sat there, a smile playing on his lips.

"Jonathan, listen to me..." Winston said as you look over at John and you could tell he was pissed. "A man can stay here a long time and never eat the same meal twice." Santino said and John takes a couple of steps forward as he glares at Santino.

"Jonathan, just walk away." Winston said as you look back at John. "John...please..." you pleaded as you placed a hand on his shoulder. Santino gives John a smug smirk. "Yeah, Jonathan. Walk..." he started to say when in a quick movement, John raises his gun and shoots Santino in the head.

You jumped at this and gasped as Winston's eyes were wide and his jaw slightly slacked. "What have you done?" Winston asked John, in shock. "Finished it." John replied as he sets the gun down. You stood there in shock as you stare at Santino's dead body while John starts to turn away. “W-What's gonna happen now?” you asked, in a worried whisper, as you look at Winston.

Winston doesn’t give you a response as he eyes still linger on the now lifeless Santino, but the silence was enough for you to understand one thing.

You can’t kill inside the Continental. 

That’s what Julius said back in Rome when you guys were fighting Cassian. But now that John has killed Santino, you don’t know how bad the consequences would be as you never gotten the full extent of the rules and what would happen if any were broken. But you will soon learn as John gently grabs your arm and leads you away.

Both of you walk back to the lobby, where you see your dog and Charon standing there waiting for the two of you. "How was he?" John asked Charon. "He was a good dog. I have enjoyed his company." Charon said and you smirked as you kneel down to the dog and pet his head then John scratches the back of his ear. "Let's go home." You said as you look up at John. He nods as you get up and you three start to walk out.

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