Love under control (F Mewtwo x M Human)

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In a deep cave lives a particular pokemon, a pokemon different from the others, which doesn't understand very well the world in which she is, but has difficulties to talk with the other pokemons, since it is very strange for them. So she has preferred to lock herself in a cave and avoid any contact, pokemon or human.

Created as an experiment, its name is mewtwo... And soon she will discover something new and very interesting.

The day is boring, like everyone else, mewtwo thinks that this place has nothing interesting to offer, just bad times...

- "If she didn't find something soon to do... I think I'll die of boredom. I hate the idea of getting out of here, but I can't think of anything else that can take away this feeling. It would be so easy to kill them all, but... I wouldn't get anything doing it... and I don't want to be recognized by the world either. I already have enough with the title of freak in this forest".

The pokemon left his home, and looked for something interesting in the surroundings, unfortunately the day seemed completely normal, there was nothing different with other days.

- "I guess it will be another day of seeing the clouds move through the skies. So much fun... Uh...".

The hours passed, everything seemed the same, everything except a couple of pokemons, which were acting a bit strange. Mewtwo curious about what they were doing decides to get closer.

- "What are they doing? I've never seen anything like that...".

There were two arcanines in the bushes, which were having a lot of fun. One of them was on top of the other, seemed to be pushing the other... but why? Intrigued decided to ask them.

- "Yeah baby... Just like that... Keep thrusting...".

- "Hey, you two. What are you doing?".

Both surprised pokemones stopped, and responded angrily to mewtwo.

- "Hey jerk, don't you see we're having some privacy here? Oh... It's you... The weirdo, I should have imagined it. Who else could it be?. Arceus... I'm leaving, you have taken away my desire to continue".

- "Hey! Damn... It's impossible have a talk with these morons".

The disappointed pokemon returned to her cave, but to his surprise there was a human at the entrance.

Determined she went to talk to him, if he wanted to capture she like the other humans once tried... She would simply return him from where he came with her psychic powers.

- "Who are you? And what are you doing in my cave?".

- "My apologies, I had no idea that this was your cave. You... are you a pokemon? I have never seen you before".

- "From what I remember during my childhood, yes, I am a pokemon, but a different one... One who prefers to be alone".

- "And why is that?".

- "Why do you want to know that? It is not important to you".

- "I haven't met any pokemon that wants to be alone. Not a single one".

- "Well here you have one, and I would like to go back to my cave".

- "Can I know your name at least?".

- "Uh...? My name? No one had asked me that question before... Mmm... It's... Mewtwo...".

- "It's a pleasure Mewtwo. My name is Nate".

- "Nate... Do you really want to know why I am alone?".

- "Only if you want, if you don't want to tell me, is it okay.".

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