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{ Tori's POV }•

We get into Luca's main office. I'm starting to get a sense of deja vu. Luca goes and sits behind his desk. Diego and Marco stand on each side of him. Lorenzo takes the seat beside me, so we're both in front of the desk.

"I called all of you in here, because I need you three to be aware of our situation." Luca says while making eye contact with me, almost as if he's searching my eyes for some kind of blessing to tell them. So I give him a slight nod.

"Anatoly and his men were sent here by Adrian, but the goal wasn't to kill us."
Luca announces slightly hinting

I see Diego tense slightly as if he was picking up on the hints.

"What did they want then?" Marco questions

"As all of us are aware of Anatoly had an obsession with Tori's mother, him capturing her ; is probably what led to her leaving."
Luca tells them

"No offense Tori but she's dead."
Lorenzo says

"No it's fine. She is dead and six feet under."
I say with a shrug

"Then what are they after?" Lorenzo questions

A moment of silence passes and I can see Luca clinching his jaw and starring at me.

"I guess I'm the lucky object." I announce

Lorenzo turns his head to look at me in surprise, and Marco seems to be shocked as well. However Luca looks pissed, and Diego looks as tense as a cement statue.

"Why would they be after you?"
Marco question

"That isn't something any of you need to know. Just know Adrian has a sick obsession with Tori, and he is more twisted than his father."
Luca says seriously and sternly

Marco and Lorenzo give a nod of understanding.

Diego is watching me and he starts to look a little pissed off. So I'm starting to think it's because he's mad at me for bring so much drama to the family.

"He will burn..." Diego announces almost like it's a promise to me. Something tells me he guessed about how the rest of my story went, and why Adrian wants me.

Marco and Lorenzo look surprised that Diego said a word as always.. but Luca just nods in agreement while looking at me intensely.

"They can't get her.." Lorenzo tells Luca

"I know that's why we are going to do everything now our power to make sure that they won't. That includes making a deal with the American's." Luca replies back

"What's the plan?" Marco questions Luca

"Kill all of them." Luca says coldly and the guys all nod in agreement.

"Why didn't we discuss this out there so her father could hear?" Marco wonders out loud

"Val will go into an even blind rage, and we can't afford that. My father and Riccardo would only tell him because of their loyalty. That's why what has been said in this room, stays in this room." Luca says in a commanding tone

"Understood" Marco and Lorenzo say at the same time and Diego gives a nod.

"Not to be nosey or anything but is there an actual plan?" I ask curiously

"I know they're going to die, I just don't know where, when, or how yet." Luca answers

"Okay." I say

"Okay?" Marco says as a question

"What?" I ask Marco raising an eyebrow

"That's the least I've heard you say since you arrived. What are you thinking?" Marco asks

"Oh I'm probably thinking the same thing all of you probably already know. I used one of their guns, and it was completely silent, and more powerful then all of the weapons here. It was also pretty lightweight considering. Not to mention the fact that the way their men fought ; they had to be like extras, because they weren't trained properly. Two of them killed themselves for me, just because they weren't paying attention. They just weren't aware of anything, and they were fidgety. Which makes me think that Adrian sent his father with some of his weakest men, while he kept his strongest men with him, like the coward he is..."
I explain my thoughts

All of them look at me surprised.

"She has a point." Marco says

"A few of them were trained but they weren't how I remember them being when they attacked our club last year." Lorenzo says

"Our men need to train harder." Marco adds

Luca give a nod and says "Marco get all of our men back here. You, Lorenzo, and my father are going to train them harder than we ever have before."

Marco nods showing he understands.

"What about you, Diego, Val, and Tori?"
Lorenzo questions

"Diego, Val, and I are going to train with Tori."
Luca says as if it was obvious

"I don't think she needs to be trained considering she saved all of our asses."
Lorenzo says

"Maybe not but it'll keep us all in practice and maybe we'll finally get to see what she's truly capable of.." Luca says while watching me

"How do you know that's not all I'm cable off?"
I ask almost  innocently

"Because Angel, you're still hiding something and holding yourself back.." Luca says making direct eye contact with me.

I know he's right but I hope that's a side they never get to meet


After the meeting in Luca's office we went to the dinning room and ate dinner.

While maids cleaned up blood off the floors.

What a sick and twisted fairytale this is...

The Mafia's Secret Daughter ( #1 in the Mafia Series )Where stories live. Discover now