Chapter 2

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Chris POV:

"Hello" Chris attends the call. It was his lawyer. So attend quickly.

"Sir, madam has agreed to sign the papers on Monday 9:00 AM but you need to bring young master, Blake with you this was her condition."
The lawyer said in a statement manner.

Chris was happy at the same time he felt a loss in his heart. After a long silence, he cleared his thoughts and spoke " I will be there with Blake"
Today was Sunday so he said, " Let's meet tomorrow."

"Yes, sir." He said and ended his call.

Suddenly Chris heard a voice, it was none other than Natalie " Chris, was it the lawyer? What did he say?" He looked at her face to tell her and he spoke immediately after seeing her beautiful face.

"Tomorrow, she will sign the papers. And no need to send Blake to the school." He took some time to speak " I will take him to meet his mother." He told her in a calm voice.

After that, he told me he was going to work left for the office in his home.

For some unknown reason, he felt he made the wrong decision.

Rachel's POV:

I finished packing all my things like this house.
I only took my clothes and makeup set as they were paid with my money. I left all the jewels and dresses that were brought by him.

I need to go to my hospital to finish my last paperwork as already quit my job and to say my goodbyes to everyone. They all helped and supported me no matter what happened. The patients that I took care of were all discharged.

I book an Uber as I was in no mood to drive. Within 30 minutes I arrived at the hospital.

I go to see the dean the hospital head.

"Excuse me, doctor"  I tapped the door of my boss office.

"Come in, Rachel" the Dean was waiting for her.

"Doctor, I come to complete my final procedure and to give farewells." She said to the dean. She was surprised to see him waiting.

"Rachel, I'll ask you one last time. Are you going to quit and move back to San Francisco?" He was not willing to let go of his best surgeon in this hospital as well in New York.

"Yes, sir." She knew he will ask this. "It's time for me to visit the place that I lived and work after some time." She lies to him. But, she didn't want others to worry about her. " I will start work after some month later." She told the dean. And said her farewell.

He nodded. As he knew her and what she was going through. " Our hospital will always welcome you. Take care." He said his farewell.

After, that she told farewell to everyone and finished the producers and finally left for her department.

"Dr Rachel." All the Doctors in the department stood up left their work to greet her.

"Hey, guys. Why all are gloomy. Mike did you do something." She knew they can't take it to leave her. But, she to felt bitter in her heart. These were the people she work with for the past 7 years.

All the people, laughed looked at the mike as it was because of him, " Hey, why are looking at me like that. Dr Rachel, it isn't because of me as a smart doctor how cloud I make trouble." Her face turns sad when he was saying this.

Because to all of them because of Dr Rachel all where to pass or work effectively as she would help them with their study or explain the doubts.

When they heard the doctor is leaving the hospital all faces were sad and can't help but feel sorry for the divorce. They all knew this doctor is the best and have the great personality they had ever seen.

She didn't want to spend more time with them as she would also be unable to let go of this place. It's was so important to her.

"Farewell everyone let's meet in the future." She quickly said and left.

After she left all the doctors in the surgical department felt pity for her as well as hatred towards Chris Williams.

That man completely broke her.

To them, Chris was an enemy.

Rachel went to dinner at her favourite restaurant in the city as it was nighttime.
And her last dinner here.

Rachel soon enters the restaurant and orders her favourite food forgot everything that happened to her. And happily eat all items she ordered.
But she couldn't taste the food.

After spending a late night in the city. Rachel went home and slept.

Tomorrow she can't wait to see her son and soon go to her ex-husband.

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