Wattpad Fanfiction

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Fanfiction - Long Works

No Sanctuary For Old Men

Rating: Violence, gore, coarse language, sexStatus: Completed

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Rating: Violence, gore, coarse language, sex
Status: Completed

This Walking Dead fanfiction centers around Daphne, a woman who is searching for a place to call home in the apocalypse. She finds the Saviors, and is immediately in awe of the way they run their ship. Hijinks ensue, and of course, lots and lots of sex.

Featured on fanfic's Walking Dead reading list!


Rating: Violence, coarse language, sexStatus: Completed

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Rating: Violence, coarse language, sex
Status: Completed

Every girl remembers her first. This fanfic, while not my very first fanfic ever, was my inaugural Wattpad fanfic. I wrote it in the throes of newborn hell, while suffering from lack of sleep and desperately needing some kind of connection to the outside world, some kind of purpose. It worked. And then I left for a little while, and came back to find a slew of PM's reaching out to me about how much they identified with this story and loved it. It made my heart swell and I couldn't believe how many people had shared this experience with me.

It made me come back and not only write a steamy-as-fuck epilogue but also gave me the kick I needed to write Trussed and Mountain, and then everything that followed. I'd found my people here.

Snowbird is a Far Cry 3 fanfiction centering around a Canadian girl that seeks Vaas Montenegro after seeing The Far Cry Experience on YouTube. She wants a particular brand of sexual attention and only the Pirate King can give it to her.

This story was also added to WPAfterDark's Whips and Chains list! Such an honour to be there. <3

The Four Musketeers

Rating: Sex, just so much sexStatus: Completed

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Rating: Sex, just so much sex
Status: Completed

The Four Musketeers is a fanfiction, but I won't link it here because the source material is YA and I don't want to detract from the awesome original work with my smutty shit. The Good Girl's Bad Boys is an excellent story that touches on really important themes in a teen's life, mainly bullying to the extreme.

As an adult, I of course imagined what college life would be like for the good girl and her three bad boys.

Featured on WattpadAfterDark's reading lists!

Fanfiction: Short Stories


Rating: EveryoneStatus: Completed

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Rating: Everyone
Status: Completed

Nuked is a collection of short stories that take place in the Fallout 4 universe. I wrote them for Fanfic's Fanfic Bootcamp, and completed all the levels as well as scoring a win in Private, General, and Supreme Overlord. This collection was an absolute blast to write, and I had a lot of fun figuring out what crossovers to do and what characters to play with.

This is marked as completed but I might come back to play in this world... I do love Fallout 4 and I did create some interesting scenarios that I'd love to come back to explore!

Featured on WattpadAnthologies' Fanfiction reading list!

A Hot Night in Hell

Rating: Sex, Violence, LanguageStatus: Completed

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Rating: Sex, Violence, Language
Status: Completed

This was inspired by Dark_Writes' Netflix and Kill series (if you haven't partaken in his Vote Your Own Adventure books, then go check them out right now!), in which a sexy demon-killer fucks the then-unnamed protagonist on the gun counter at a local big box store during a firefight. Because if there's one thing that makes sex hotter it's the looming threat of death.

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