Things change

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It was just them that night. One man, one woman, under one roof, together in the small, confined speechlessness between them.

The titans had been recently investigating a case overseas, and had spread out into different groups. Cyborg went with Robin and Starfire to do one half of the investigation while Beast boy and Raven were sent to do the other. The two were often put together as their sensing and tracking abilities were the best on the team. Little did the team know that the two of them had been dating secretly for almost 7 months now.

On return of their mission, Beast boy and Raven realized they had finished their investigation early. Arriving to an empty tower, Raven dialed up Robin on her communicator and notified the rest of the team of their mission success. Robin said they were close to a break through on their end, and assured Beast boy and Raven they would be home soon, if not in just a couple days.

Beast boy and Raven had gotten ready for bed, as it was late evening when they had arrived home. As Beast boy exited his room, he saw Raven exit hers too wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt and some short shorts. He himself was only wearing a pair of sweat pants. Raven looked over at her boyfriend, and hit a startling realization.

They were night.

Her cheeks flushed pink when a very brief feeling came over her. Raven wasn't sure what it was she sensed, but it was something she had never once desired to entertain. Beast boy seemed to be unaware of what was transpiring in Raven's mind, and he walked over to her.

"Hey, so..." He began, scratching the back of his head. "We're alone tonight." Raven's body seemed to react strangely at his words. What was this feeling? She had never really felt it much before...except for when they had first kissed a few months prior.

"So we are." She nodded back to him. "...After being overseas so long, I've kind of missed home."

Beast boy smiled. Indeed, the mission required lots of undercover stakeouts and had drained Raven and Beast boy both of their emotional strength. The battle that had transpired wasn't too challenging, for they were a good pair together. But Beast boy could sympathize with Raven in that moment. It definitely was good to be back home.

"Hey." Beast boy said, making Raven look up at him. "Why don't you spend some time with me in my room watching a movie? You know, to unwind after that long mission?"

Raven wasn't against this. They had secretly binge watched a bunch of tv series in his room numerous times while the other titans slept at night. Raven had become quite comfortable with him as the months passed by, but something about tonight made her think twice.

"M...maybe later..." She stuttered.

Beast boy frowned. He loved it when they had spent time together. He would be lying if he said he didn't crave more of her attention. They were all alone that night, and they could be as loud as they wanted and could watch a movie without subtitles for having the volume turned down so low. His intentions were as pure as they could be, but Beast boy always craved more. Of course he was patient with her, and of course he knew this meant keeping their relationship a secret from everyone else. Raven was a complex creature, one that fascinated him as well as frustrated him. She simply was not ready to be public about their love, and he knew he had to give her time to adjust. But 7 long months had passed. The least they could do was watch a movie without fear of being caught.

"Come on, Raven." He said, grabbing her hand softly. "We can watch whatever you want! I'll make some popcorn, and we can be as loud as we want! It'll be fun!"

Raven sighed, and followed him into his chambers. His room was definitely cleaner than it had been before they started dating. His big queen sized bed was always made now, and his dirty laundry was always safely secured in a hamper. Beast boy left to go make popcorn in the kitchen. Raven stood alone there in his room almost as if it was the first time she had been in it. Why was she so nervous all of a sudden? She could feel passion at the back of her mind peeking out, but...something felt odd about her psyche that night. Was it fear? No...couldn't be. What was it?

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