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Chapter 4

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"You know the only reason pot isn't legal in Australia is because the government hasn't figured out a way to tax it yet."

"That's such a load, Kimble!  Pot is illegal because it's a narcotic."

"So are tobacco and alcohol.  But the government earns millions from the sales of grog and ciggies, so they'll never outlaw them, even though they're seriously bad for you."

"Are you saying we should ban everything unhealthy?  What about fried food?  Soft drinks?"

"Maybe we should.  There's a health crisis in this country right now, it couldn't hurt."

"Kimble, you're an idiot."  Meg dismissed him with a flick from her wrist, but Sparrow knew the truth; Meg loved bantering with the Kiwi, who was her opposite in almost every way.  The severe brunette turned narrowed eyes on their lunch guest.  "You, what do you think?"

Thomas had been eating quietly at the outdoor table, following the conversation but not engaging.  Sparrow could see he was clearly out of his comfort zone among the eclectic group, but he hadn't run shrieking yet.  Clearing his throat, he said, "Um...  I think this avocado might be the best I've ever tasted."

Sparrow smiled at his sly compliment, but Meg wasn't about to be thrown off topic.  "Oh my God, typical white male response to a problem too big for him to fix; look the other way!"

"Shh, girly.  You hurt my ears."  Mrs Hently from next door elbowed Meg in the ribs, reaching for another slice of smoked salmon and a chunk of cheese.  Sparrow invited the elderly lady to eat with the Haven crew whenever she felt like it, and she took them up on the offer a couple of times a week, gracing their table with her candid demeanour.  "Eat your lunch and change your tampon; you'll feel better."

Meg swelled up like an over-ripe tomato while Kimble laughed, hyena-style. 

"What's a tampon?" asked Will, our ten year old neighbour who was sitting beside Sparrow.

His question caused more laughter from around the table, even from Shen, their Chinese housemate who lived in the back bedroom and spoke about ten words of English.

Sparrow hugged Will around his shoulders.  "Oh, sweetie.  That's a question for your dad when he gets home from work later, okay?"

"Cool."  Will hung out around Haven most weekends; it was just him and his dad, who worked at the sporadic casual hours at the local bottle shop.  Will was a great kid and easy to mind – most of the time, he helped more around the house than the people who actually lived there.  "Hey, is that the new iPhone?"

He pointed across the table to where Thomas' device lay.  The guest spoke.  "Yeah, I just picked it up on my way here on Friday."

"So cool..."  As with most young boys, Will was easily impressed by anything tech.  "Can I have a look sometime?"

"Sure!"  Sparrow was surprised by Thomas' easy permission, imagining him sleeping beside his precious phone, attached permanently to it like a new-born.  "Hey, I can do you one better.  I've got my old phone with me at the hotel - do you want it?"

Will's eyeballs almost exploded.  "Seriously?  You're serious?"

"If it's okay with your dad.  Ask him and let me know, okay?"

"Yes!  Crap-balls, yes!"

"Will!  Language," Sparrow admonished as the delighted kid shot out of his seat and proudly shook Thomas' hand.

In the grand scheme of Thomas' wealth, she imagined that an old phone meant very little to him; the fact that he knew how much it meant to Will was endearing.  Sparrow touched Thomas gently on the leg and allowed her hair to fall forward like a shield to hide her words.  "Thank you," she whispered.

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