Moving Out

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I was walking down the street slowly making my way home. I skipped practice this morning which I never do and hid in the bathroom during lunch. I was afraid Damon would talk to me and people would hurt him and it would be all my fault. I was interrupted from my thoughts as my phone started ringing.

Erin: Hey Joey

Joey: You weren't in practice this morning, now is not the time to be missing out if you're getting into the ring in two weeks.

Erin: I'm in? I'm getting in the ring?

Joey: I told you kiddo. You're up against Shelby Barrows, she has 3 wins and 2 losses, she's still pretty new.

Erin: Thank you so much Uncle Joey!

Joey: Don't miss any more practice.

Erin: I won't. I'll see you tomorrow.

I hung up and smiled as I made my way into my house. I slowly tried to make my way to the stairs when I got spotted by Mr. Drunk "I'm having company tomorrow night, don't be here." He warned as I furrowed my eyebrows together "Where am I supposed to go?" I asked "I don't care, figure it out." i sighed before turning around and heading to the stairs again, only to be pulled back by my backpack and slapped across my face "Don't give me attitude." He warned as I looked at the ground nodding my head slightly "Make me dinner now." He said as I quickly took my backpack off, setting it on the ground before making my way into the kitchen quickly cooking spaghetti with garlic bread on the side. I made him a plate and quickly brought it to him, setting it on the glass table we have in front of the couches when he glared at me. I quickly ran back to the kitchen grabbing him two beers before bringing them into the room and setting them next to his food. He nodded watching tv as I quickly turned around grabbing my bag and heading upstairs.

After a long hot shower I got dressed in shorts and a T-shirt before starting my homework. I was writing my English essay that was due next week when my phone rang. I looked over to see an unknown number. I furrowed my eyebrows reading the text.

Unknown: Hey

Erin: Who is this?

I put my phone down and continued writing my paper when my phone dinged again.

Unknown: Jake from State Farm

Erin: I'm going to take a wild guess and say Damon

Damon: you guessed correct

Erin: How did you get my number??

Damon: I got it from Joey..

Erin: Of course you did.

Damon: Can you open your window?

Erin: why?

I furrowed my eyebrows looking out to see Damon standing on the roof part under my window. I shook my head as I unlocked my window and opened it "What are you doing here?" I asked quietly as he smiled "Let me in and I'll tell you." He said as I backed away from the window letting him in. He closed it quietly before turning towards me "Why weren't you at training today?" He asked as I shrugged my shoulders "Is it because of what I said?" He quietly asked as I shook my head slightly "We can't be anything." I told him as he stepped closer to me "Why not?" I looked him in the eyes "Because you'll just get hurt." I told him truthfully as he shook his head "By who? Some dumb high school kids. I don't care what they think about me." He said as I nodded, "I mean I could just always go join the football team since that's your type." He smiled slightly as I rolled my eyes, smiling "I didn't sleep with the whole football team." I groaned "The whole football team? You slept with some?" He asked as I shook my head "No I didn't." I said pushing him as he laughed "What were you doing?" He asked as he sat on my bed. I grabbed my stuff and put it back into my bag, "Homework." I told him as he scrunched up his nose "Ew who actually does homework?" He said more as a question "Me clearly." I told him as he laughed and laid back when I sat on the bed next to him before laying back with him "Erin!" My dad yelled, causing us to both sit up "Uh under the bed." I told him as he quickly slid under the bed when my dad walked in "James is coming over don't bother us. Don't leave your room." He warned as I nodded hoping he would leave without doing anything in front of Damon. He slammed the door making me jump when Damon slid out from under my bed giving me a weird look "What?" I asked "What was that all about?" He asked as I shrugged my shoulders looking away "You're lying. Tell me." He said as I shook my head "Nothing, you staying for a while longer?" I asked and he nodded sitting on my bed again "We can watch a movie." I told him as he smiled "We can watch Rocky or Creed." I said excitedly, causing him to laugh "You have an obsession with boxing." He smiled at me as I nodded "I know." He sat with his back against the wall with me sitting next to him with my laptop on the bed near our feet between us.

I slowly opened my eyes to hear a soft breathing. I looked around, seeing it was dark and the laptop was on the bed still. I lifted my head realizing It was resting on Damon as his arm was wrapped around me. I yawned, sitting up and looking at my phone to read 1:26 "We must've fallen asleep." I heard Damon say as I laughed "You think." I said laying down next to him, closing my eyes. I opened them again once I felt him move off the bed "Your leaving?" I asked and he nodded "Yeah." He said as I moved to the edge of the bed "I would stay but I don't have any clothes for practice or school." He said as I nodded understanding but he leaned down putting his hand on the side of my face causing my breathing to hitch. I looked down towards his lips before looking back into his eyes as he leaned in as my eyes fluttered shut. He gently pressed his lips against mine when the door smacked the wall causing us to jump back. I opened my eyes wide as I stood up seeing my dad "Dad." I started but he glared at me and then at Damon "You're just a whore. He just wants to get in your pants and you know it." He said as I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off "Just like Louis. Your worthless." He said when Damon tried stepping forward "You don't get the right to treat her like she's a piece of shit." Damon said as I pushed him back "Damon please just leave." I said as he furrowed his eyebrows "You want me to leave?" He asked almost as if he was unsure. I nodded slowly. "You ever bring a guy into this house again and you'll regret it." My dad said, grabbing my back and bringing me downstairs. The next thing I knew I got punched in the face and shoved to the ground. I curled up into a ball covering my head waiting for the kicking or punching to happen when the next thing I heard was glass breaking. I looked up immediately looking into the den seeing my dad on our now broken glass table. "Are you okay?" Damon asked, helping me up and squeezing me tightly as he hugged me. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I just let myself cry while hugging him back. "Let's go." He pulled me up the stairs to my room when he opened my backpack and then my closet "W-what are you doing?" I asked as he grabbed a bag from the bottom of my closet and started throwing things like my shirts, pants and soon my underwear and bras "Hey!" I whined, grabbing my underwear "You're not staying here." He said as he grabbed my underwear and threw it into the bag "Grab anything else you need." He said as I made my way into the bathroom grabbing my toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, makeup remover, face wash and my makeup bag before throwing it in the bag. He put my backpack on his back and grabbed my bag with clothes "Let's go." He said as I nodded, grabbing my phone and my charger following Damon downstairs. I opened the front door and slammed it as we made our way to his car. He put my stuff in the backseat before turning around towards me. I hugged him tightly as he hugged back before pulling away and opening the door for me. After I slid into the car he got in before starting the car and driving down the street.

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