Chapter One

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Cyrus' POV

My identity consisted of being gay and being the running Mario Kart champion of my friend group for the past two weeks. My life consisted of being broke, narrowly avoiding scurvy due to my carb-filled diet, and fighting my ever-increasing addiction to Nintendo games.

I was an average boy. Cheerful, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Which was why, on the day that I came into contact with the literal antichrist himself, I figured it was a little unfair.

It was a Sunday when it happened. See, ironic already.

I was leaving my church's service with my mom and little sister Nina, when my friend Blue called and asked me to head over to her house. The Mario Bros, which the groupchat name for my obviously super badass friend group, were already there and very excited for our weekly Mario Kart competition.

We were so cool, clearly.

I waved goodbye to my mom and decided to walk the rest of the way to Blue's house. Our town consisted of like ten people and some tumbleweed, so I pretty much walked everywhere.

I took a cut-through a local cemetery to get to her house, thinking nothing of it.

Do most children think Hey, I shouldn't go into this cemetery, I might encounter the antichrist?

The moment I was good and alone, perfectly distant from all of humanity and anyone who could possibly protect me, a blazing cyclone of fire appeared by poor Gertrude Silver's grave. I blinked, staring.

The cyclone of fire was about my height, so it was pretty stunted, and occurred for at least twenty seconds. My first thought, in all honesty, was what the hell kind of weather condition causes that?

Then I realized there were none, so I turned and ran as fast as my asthma-ridden ass possibly could.

A quick, terrified, glance behind me determined that the cyclone of flame was gone. In its place was the naked body of a teenager about my age.

I blinked, wondering just how much church wine I'd actually drank, and turned around.

Well. I would never run from a handsome naked guy.

Proving that I was a mistake of evolution and the dumbest ass in the history of human kind, I wandered back towards the naked flame boy.

I stayed a good ten feet away, far enough where I thought I could probably have a good head start if he charged me with his fire powers. "U-um," I cleared my throat and waved a little. "Hi. Were you on fire right then?"

I had a very tactful conversational style.

Flame boy leaned up, which made each and every one of his spectacular abs flex. His body was covered in intricate tattoos, hardly leaving skin color. That was His blonde hair was a tumbled mess on his head and his eyes were the darkest color of brown I'd ever seen.

He scowled. "Who the fuck are you?"

Says the guy who appeared out of nowhere, on fire and completely naked.

"I'm Cyrus," I snapped, irrationally indignant and significantly less scared of fire boy. What can I say, I was a relatively proud person. "Cyrus West. Why are you naked?"

The boy stood and I tried my best not to stare at what anyone would want to stare at. He crossed his arms and glared at me with all the hatred in the world. "Why wouldn't I be?"

That was not the response I expected.

A little stunned, I shrugged. "I mean. Stay naked then. I'm not complaining."

The guy rolled his eyes and turned around. He began to walk away.

Literally, bare ass naked.

I stared at his ass for a solid ten seconds. Shit, he was muscular. And moved with such grace and confidence, considering he was buck ass nude in a public place.

Then I realized that I had just encountered a random cyclone of flame, a teleporting teenager, and more of a man's body than I could ever hope to come in contact with for the rest of my life.

"Wait! Wait, hot stranger! ...I'm saying that because you were a funnel of flame only a few minutes ago. That was you, right? Like...this isn't an acid trip I'm having? Not that I do acid. Or any drugs. Drugs are bad for you. Um, what's your name? Are you from a nudist colony? A magical nudist colony? What's going on—"

"Oh great Hell," the stranger grumbled, making a frustrated gesture with his hands and turning around. "Do you ever stop talking? Who are you? Go away, I have goals to accomplish."

"...Like what, if you don't mind me asking?"

Hot guy rolled his eyes and leaned back on a tree, looking at me like I was hardly more than a bug beneath his boot. "World domination, I think. Worship from humans, most likely. What's it to you?"

Ah. That answer made everything clear to me.

The sun's light had glared in my face bright enough to make me think of fire. And this random kid, naked and bent on world domination, was one of those creepy strangers that my mom always told me not to talk to.

The kind that, like, chugged Purell in their free time.

"Oh, cool," I said weakly. "Well, I guess I should be going. Bye!"

"Wait," his cold voice said. "Don't walk away."

I stopped, for one of three reasons. One, his voice was dark and commanding. Two, he had recently exhibited the ability to burst into flames. Three, he was sexy.

I turned on my heel, surprised to see him standing two inches away from me. "Holy shit! Personal space, Lava Girl!"

He took a grumpy step back. "You would be useful to me, Cyrus. In my quest. Do you mind taking me to your place of residence?"

"No boy has ever asked me to take him home before," I said numbly.

Fire boy's nose wrinkled and he sent me a look of irritation. "What, human?"

Well. This was obviously a very complicated choice.

On one hand, bringing him home would be absolute insanity. On another, he had the ability to turn into flames, was significantly stronger than I was, moved quietly like an assassin or something, and I had asthma.

I knew one fact more surely than I'd known anything in my entire life: This guy could beat me up.

"I'll take you home," I decided.


How do you like the first chapter??

Edit: Lmaoo bright-eyed and bushy-tailed is an expression (that pretty much only grandmas use) ...Cyrus isn't kinky for squirrels, ok??

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