Chapter 08|Ferrari

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"My name is Rhea Rodriguez and you are in great danger."


Bianca/Victoria P.O.V

Jasmine gave me one last look as she unplugged her phone charger from the wall. "You ready?" she asks with a small smile and I nod silently.

Jasmine and I decided to book the earliest flight we could back to town which was tonight.

"So when will you guys be back?" Hazel asks from the door way to the room.

I couldn't help but see the sad look she had plastered on her face, I don't blame her. This apartment is so large and empty, it's most likely to get lonely, sure she has leo, but it's not like he is here all the time.

"Soon," I reply her with a soft smile on my lips in an attempt to reassure her, even though I'm very sure we won't be returning soon, or if the case gets worse ever. She frowns slightly at my words and tilts her head to the side with crossed arms.

"Is it okay if i drive you guys to the airport? You know, just to wish you farewell on your trip back to your family for your cousin's burial."

That's the best lie we could come up with, we were under alot of pressure at the moment.

I notice Jasmine roll her eyes from beside me but she thankfully doesn't say anything.

"We'd appreciate that, thanks," I tell her with a polite smile and Jasmine immediately let's out a loud cough. I turned to her and I couldn't help but notice the terrifying glare she aimed at me.

"I really don't think that's nec-"

"Can i come too?" Leo asks with a hopeful look in his eyes as he pops into the room, interrupting Jasmine mid sentence.

"It's not like we are the ones dying or anything, we didn't ask for an entourage," Jasmine mutters irritately and I hold back a laugh.

"But I wanna come," Leo whines.

"Yeah, me too," Hazel says with a similar tone.

Sometimes I forget they are twenty three and twenty four year old adults.

"I even let you guys crash our anniverary," Leo says as a way of persuation.

Jasmine's mouth opens in shock, "firstly, you didn't let us, you had no choice. And second of all, you loved us there so there is no reason to black mail us because of that," she says stubbornly.

"But this isn't even fair, how come Victoria gets to go," Leo pouts.

I give him a weird look, "um, it's my cousin. I'm kind of supposed to go," I tell him.

"But...but..." Hazel trails off.

"Life isn't fair, and don't bother begging anymore, you both are not going with us and that is final," Jasmine says.

I muffle a laugh and lean on a wall with my side.

"What do you have against us coming?" Hazel asks.

"I'm driving, and if I see your face I might accidentally hit a tree," Jasmine dead pans.

I cough.


"Because you are repulsive and you irritate me."


"I'm not ugly!" Hazel snaps with red cheeks.

"That's not cool Jasmine," Leo steps in to defend his girlfriend.

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