LIV | Confrontation

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With the documents in his arms, the assistant stopped walking, turned his head to sneak a quick glance at Alexander. When he confirmed that there wasn't a hint of anger, he turned his head and said in a flattering way, "Mr. Smith, I think Miss Davis will definitely agree!"

"Really?" asked Alexander in return. He then thought back to last night, when he asked her if he could continue. She didn't reply, but when they had sex, she didn't refuse either... so his chances of succeeding were quite high, right?

After reassuring himself, Alexander still didn't feel confident, and so he said to his assistant, "What do you think of the confession plan?"

"Great! If I were a woman, I'd definitely be moved." Though the assistant was flattering with his words, those were his true feelings. Mr. Smith had really put his heart and soul into this confession plan. He felt that Mr. Smith must've planned it for a really long time yesterday... What's more, he even chose a day to confess - next Wednesday, on Valentine day... How romantic...

After being assured by his assistant, it was like Alexander had taken a chill pill. His expression instantly became cold. "You can go now."

This time, the assistant didn't turn around when Alexander asked with little confidence, "Are you sure my confession plan has no flaws? Take a good look, is there something else that needs to be added? What about a gift? Do you think it's all right?"

There were five days until the confession, and Alexander realized that he was actually so nervous, he wasn't in the right mind.

"Mr. Smith, there really isn't a problem with it. It's already perfect." The assistant expressed his honest opinion to Alexander. Seeing as he was still a little anxious, he wanted to calm his nerves, so he looked all around him, and in the end, grabbed a pile of documents from the table. He walked up to Alexander, and said, "Mr. Smith, how about we play a game to see if the heavens will allow your confession to succeed or not succeed?"

Alexander slightly nodded, then stared with rapt attention at the assistant's test.

The assistant grabbed the first document and said. "Confession succeeds..."

He grabbed the second document. "Confession doesn't succeed..."

"Confession succeeds..."

"Confession doesn't succeed..."

When the assistant saw the last document, his expression instantly stiffened. He didn't dare sneak a glance at Alexander.

How could the last document coincidentally be 'Confession doesn't succeed'!

In that split second, Alexander's expression froze over. With a light tone, he helped the assistant reveal the answer, "Confession doesn't succeed?"

The assistant instantly felt a cold shiver crawl up his back. He quickly shook his head and said, "Mr. Smith, it was a simple mistake. Let's go again now... again... This time, I'll start with 'Confession doesn't succeed', then it'll end with 'Confession succeeds'..."

"Leave!" Before the assistant could finish, Alexander casually grabbed the computer's mouse, and chucked it at the assistant. This time, the assistant completely shut up, hugged the documents in his arm, and bolted out of the office.

Alexander sat back in his office chair in rage. He raised his hand and massaged his head. He stared at the documents his assistant counted just now, then dawdled for a while, recounting, "Confession doesn't succeed... Confession succeeds... Confession doesn't succeed... Confession succeeds..."


"Confession succeeds!" Alexander looked at the last document, and slowly said those two words. Then, he shut his eyes, and sat back into his chair. He secretly thought that he'll definitely succeed. Definitely succeed!

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