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Happy New Years Lovelies!
The CEO's Addiction


I flinched as soon as I heard the sound of Derek's glass shatter from the impact of the floor

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I flinched as soon as I heard the sound of Derek's glass shatter from the impact of the floor.

We all stared on at this man that was standing in the doorway of the office. He was directly in front of me, demanding my full attention. I noticed now, what I hadn't noticed earlier... that his features were strikingly similar to Anna's.

They both had dark hair which accurately matched the color of Brad's. As I focused closer on his eyes, I realize those orbs where identical to Anna's. The feeling this brought on made, me sick to my stomach. I remember what Brad had disclosed about Anna and her relationship to her brother.

Christian was the first to leap into action. "Security!" He yelled out from inside the office.

His voice was so loud and direct, it made me flinch again. Joan reacted next. She stepped in front of Brad defensively. The act was a small one, but I knew Joan was ready to fuck this man up if it came to it. Her and all of her barely five foot self.

Brad placed a hand on Joan's shoulders, and gently positioned her back behind him.

Not even seconds later, three large men bust through the office door, pushing what's his face off to the side. I couldn't remember whether this monster introduced himself as Vadik, or Vidak, or Vildak. Something like that.

"Sir?" The security asked, answering Christian's call.

Christian raised his hand and pointed to Anna's brother.

"Detain this man, and bring him around to the back of the building. Do it quietly. Don't create a scene. Don't alarm the guests." The words that fell past Christian's lips were cold. They sent shivers down my spine as he spoke them.

"Wait!" Anna's brother started to say something, but security had already over powered him. They forced him up against the wall adjacent to the door, and started to place restraints on his hands. "Wait! Please! Let me explain, please. Just give me a-"

That was the last thing we heard before one security worker slammed his face into the wall, and dragged his barely conscious self out. I guess that was one way of moving him quietly.

As soon as the men had disappeared around the corner, Christian took a few strives to the entrance of the office. "Everyone stay right here. I'm going to grab my father." He called out before he, too, disappeared down the hallway.

"What the fuck." Derek whispered under his breath. It was the first words anyone had said after Christian had left. It also accurately described the absolute shock and horror that presented itself on everyone's faces. I glanced over at Brad, and he too, looked to be in this unavoidable trance. His face was, for the first time, incredibly expressive. I couldn't depict which emotion he was feeling, within the mix of emotions present on his face.

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