55 -Our Group Hug

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Adith pov

He stood silently at the same place for more than 15 minutes. I am patiently waiting for him to speak something. Rahul is tapping his feet impatiently with an annoyed look looking at his wristwatch every ten seconds.

This man is an impatient one I say you.

Another side Janvi is standing beside me with her hand on my shoulder with fear evident in her eyes. I placed my hand on hers giving her an assuring smile which made her loosen a bit with a small smile.

"Not everyone here is jobless like you," Rahul said gritting his teeth showing his anger.

This man...

I gave him a 'calm down' look to which he shook his head and looked back at Ishaan.

He is wearing the same dress I saw yesterday but it's a total mess now with some places torn and untidy with greatly disheveled. His hair is a mess that looks like it's completely out of place, which he never let in a mess before. It would have always been in its perfect style even if we face an earthquake.

He lost a lot of weight, from the last time I saw him and that is more than 10 years back. But now I can see a strong and well-built man with emotionless far. Yea, we have never met after his so-called father's death or should I say he avoided both of us my moving away from Mumbai. We have searched for all the places we know, but all we got is a failure. That day when his father died, we lost our friend too.

The one who stands in front of us before someone could hit us.

The friend who made us laugh.

The friend who is more like a brother to us.

The one who hugs us to forget about our problems.

The one who teases us and get beats from us.

We lost our part of happiness when he left us.

We lost the one who was there for us before we could ask or need him.

And still, I remember one day in our school, one of our class boy who hates me to the core as I am a great competitor in football practice, he took my favorite football which Ishaan and Rahul gave me. I was angry was an understatement, I was like a raging bull ready to kill him. Before I could fight with him, those two idiots pushed me back and got on a big fight with that fellow just because it's close to my heart. I am still protecting it like my precious possession. Even they both got suspended for a week to attend classes. Like we cared. And as always I too took my suspension order and roam around the city with them. Those were golden days.

If Rahul is my soulmate, then Ishaan is not less than him.

But the most affected here among us is Rahul.

He has never been with his family as he doesn't have one. So we both were his world and his world revolves around us. He would often be in our home and we 3 are never left alone unless we have to be somewhere. Also, Rahul was never been too friendly with my parents even he was with us most of the time.

So when Ishaan went away from us, he got depressed as he lost one member of his family, our friend Ishaan. And the great Rahul even cried for his death. I had never seen him like that. Even for a couple of minutes he cried, I can see that My Rahul is broken from inside.

Our friend left us without knowing the truth behind his fake father's death. He thought I am the reason for his death. How did he think that I would kill his father? I know he is Ishaan's only family, but I don't want my friend to be sold on the black market due to his lust for money.

My Painful Love ❤️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ