Chapter Six

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    I wander the Ossium. No, this isn't the Ossium, though it looks very similar to it. An endless, barren plain. I cannot feel the cold. I cannot feel hunger or pain. Simply, a need to wander, to keep going. I step forwards and the wind kicks up so much snow.

    The sky above is a riot of color, bright lights flashing and heaving over one another in a rainbow of green like the forest, blue like the sea, red as fire or rose like dreams. Three people stand before me, standing at eight feet tall each. A woman with dark long hair down her waist, eyes sparkling as she smiles, and tanned skin. She wears a blue and red colored robe and the jewels at her neck seem to reflect the sun, moon, and the stars. The lights in the sky above seem to emanate from her, and as she turns her smile to me, I forget to breathe.

    Bures. She speaks without moving her lips. Mii du namma lea?

    The words reassemble in my mind. Hello, what is your name?

    "Cassia." I tell her, my words leaving with the mist past my lips. "Cassia Boadicea Dominus." I take her in, falling to my knees. Her laugh rings in my ears. "And you are, milady?"

    She puts her arm on my shoulder, smelling of fresh leaves, herbs and flowers. Suohtas duinna deaivvadit, Cassia.

    Nice to meet you, Cassia.

    Another figure steps forwards, a being with a muscular torso and red hair that falls to their shoulder blades. Their skin is marked by scars and raised bumps, like a map across their face and neck. There are rashes on their arms, met with bruises and spots. A large sword swings at their hips with a heavy oak shield strapped to their arm and leather armor. They turn their violet eyes to me. "She is Mother Metis of wisdom and mercy, of the people who first had these lands, the Sámi. I am Alarica—."

    "Master of the universe," I finish for them, remaining on my knees despite Mother Metis's assurances otherwise.

    Alarica leans back and laughs. "You win a couple heavenly battles, and suddenly, everyone thinks you're a god or something. I was just good at fighting in life, and the mortal warriors on the earth think I am the ruler. I'm not the ruler of anything. What good does violence do? It takes life, doesn't give it. Ardo has the seas, which provides food and travel. Metis has wisdom which provides a lifetime of benefits. Me?" Alarica takes their sword from their belt and holds it aloft. "I might be a favorite of violent kings, but I'm no ruler. Just an observer of humanity's mistakes."

    "But they pray to you most, don't they? Those that still pray, that is." I venture.

    Alarica runs their fingers through their hair. "That's the mortals' problem."

Alarica sheathes their sword as the third figure emerges. Father Ardo, I'm assuming, donning a long white beard and stooped over from age, wearing a simple gray tunic and pants. Everywhere Ardo places his walking staff, saltwater springs up from the cracks in the snow and ice. He doesn't say anything, just nods his aged head towards me.

Alarica sighs. "Stand, Cassia Boadicea Dominus, so we can get a better look at you."

I do so. Alarica motions for me to get closer, so I do so. My toes are steeped in the saltwater from Ardo. My nostrils fill with the scent of mountain air from Metis. And Alarica towers over me, an imposing presence despite their seeming good humor.

"Am I dreaming?" I ask them.

They turn to each other, then smile at me.

"Oaidnaleabmai." Metis replies. "See you."

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