Chapter 33

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Just before I exit Xander's room, I quickly kiss his forehead and promise myself to see him the next day. Once I'm outside of his room, I meet Alizah, Nick, and Mr. and Mrs. Reed in the waiting room.

"Hey," Alizah says when she sees me walk into the waiting room. "It's a relief he's alive, right?" She asks and I nod. 

"Do you need a place to stay?" Alizah asks.

"No, I'm going to stay at my old place with Trina, I'll be back early tomorrow," I announce. I hate visiting hours being strict in the hospital because it means I'll be away from Xander.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow," Alizah says just before she hugs me and wishes me goodnight. 

"We'll see you again tomorrow?" Mrs. Reed asks.

"Yes, I'll be here in the morning," I say.

"Okay and Natalia I'm glad you're here for my son." She says and I quickly hug her before I walk out of the waiting room. 

I notice the time change when I get outside to look for my car. Thankfully, all of the people who were with their cameras are no longer here. I would hate it if they were because right now I just want cry from relief. I'm glad Xander is alive but I just hope he wakes up soon so I could apologize for leaving him in the first place. Most importantly I just want to hear his voice because it's been too long since I've heard him speak.

The next morning I get up even though I haven't had much sleep and quickly get dressed so I could make it the hospital early. Getting a visitor's pass wasn't as hard because the secretary knew who I was this time. 

I enter Xander's room and I notice he is still asleep and I also see a nurse checking in on him.

"Don't mind me, I'm checking on his vitals," The nurse says when she sees me walk in.

"Has he been asleep?" I ask the nurse.

"Yes, he's been like this for a while, but he may come out of it soon." She says trying to keep me hopeful.

 As soon as the nurse leaves I take my place sitting next to Xander. I was hoping he would be awake because I worried all night. The room is silent with the only exception of the machines and the heart monitor beeping in the background. The sound of his heart on the monitor is the only thing that is comforting to listen to.

I spend the first few hours with Xander in his room either talking to him or by getting work done but other times his family would drop by and ask to see him. His mother and father were happy to see me here at the hospital and asked if I needed anything to just let them know. I thanked them.

In the afternoon, Alizah walks in the waiting room. She hugs me as soon as she sees me.

"I'm happy your here again." She says after we've hugged.

"Me too," I say. I noticed this time Alizah is alone.

"Where's Nick?" I ask.

"He's got called in for work but he promised he would be here soon as he gets off," Alizah says, "I'm only here for a quick visit because I have work but I decided to take a break and see my brother."

"I hope he wakes up soon, it's hard to see him like this." I feel guilty seeing him asleep from an accident that shouldn't have happened all because I left him.

"I know." She says. Soon after her quick visit is over, I go back into the room and continue to wait till he wakes up.

Around 6 hours into my visit the same nurse from earlier continues to check on Xander and I continue praying that he wakes up. I spent most of my visit telling him what I did in the past two months I was gone.

I shouldn't have left him from the beginning and if he wakes up I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to see me or have me back. However, I miss him and if this means I can only see him up until now I wouldn't regret my decision of being by his side. I can't live without this man because I still love him despite leaving him. I've tried countless times trying to move on and forget him the past few months but I couldn't bring myself to completely forget him. I love him and I wish I could tell him.

Suddenly I notice Xander's fingers twitch while I hear his heartbeat on the monitor move a little faster. At first, I think I'm imagining it but soon enough I see him slowly open his eyes.

"Xander," I whisper and then I say his name again. Soon enough his eyes are in focus and he is staring at me.

"N-Natalia." He says unclear but says my name again and a second later a nurse and doctor enter his room to see what is going on. I quickly touch his arm before anyone can dismiss me.

"I'm here Xander," I promise him and myself that I would never leave him so long as we existed and I want to keep it for as long as I can. Xander attempts to get up but the nurse and doctor push him back to the bed. The nurse tells Xander to take it easy because he has a broken arm and is in a lot of pain. I decide to move closer towards him while the nurse and doctor examine him. As soon as the nurse and doctor leave, Xander continues to stare at me in disbelief.

"Xander I..." For a second I lose all the words I want to say to him instead all I want to do is cry.

"Hey, we can talk later but can you stay with me?" He says and I nod in agreement. I make my way into his bed careful to not hurt him or move anything and I wrap my arms around him. I feel my eyes grow heavy and I fall asleep to the sound of Xander's breathing.

Three days later, Xander is discharged from the hospital but he is put on bed rest till he can recover from all of his injuries. I take it upon myself to stay with him and help take care of him. 

The day after he was discharged, we end up talking about my abrupt leave because I needed to clear my conscious. He said he isn't mad at me because I'm here with him but I still feel at fault for causing him pain. Xander reassures me many times that it isn't my fault for him being in the hospital. I don't want to argue with him over this so I change the subject by telling him about Olivia and the finalization of their divorce. Xander is relieved to hear this news because it means we could be together without the worry of his wife.  

As for his parents, I'm hopeful that they will accept me. The past three days in the hospital his mother and I have been getting closer. As for Xander's father, he makes an effort to speak to me every now and then. I can't tell if they accept me but they are happy that I'm helping their son recover.

"Natalia, you should take a break," Xander says one day and I look up from the file I've been reading.

"Xander, I have to get this done because we are at a standstill with your company." While Xander has been recovering I've been helping him run his company. It's been tough but it's nothing compared to my own company and I don't mind the workload.

"Still you should take one because you've been buried in those papers for the past 5 hours." I look down at my watch and see that he's right.

"So what do you suggest I do?" I ask.

"Maybe," He smiles, "you can rest with me." A nap is what I need after all it's been a long week.

"Okay," I say. I close my laptop and get up from the desk so I can lay with him. It takes me a while for my eyes to grow heavy but I eventually fall asleep in the comforting arms with the man whom I love.

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