Chapter Thirty Four: Emily Dickinson.

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"Here we are," Ashley breathed out, as we got to the grave. My parents and I stoppped and stared, our faces somber.

The epitaph read:

Here lies Paris Jacklyn Winston (b. 19 June 1993, d. 20 October 2017), a kind wife, a loving sister and daughter.

"Because I could not stop for Death -
He kindly stopped for me -
The Carriage held but just Ourselves -
And Immortality."

-Because I could not stop for Death

-Emily Dickinson

I could feel the tears filling up my eyes, blurring my vision. My mom was already crying, sobbing silently. My dad glared at it remorsefully, his eyes colder than usual. Ashley just sat down beside the grave and, placing the flowers she'd bought on the way on top of the grave, stared peacefully at the epitaph.

"She wanted that to be on her epitaph. An Emily Dickinson poem. She said this one suited her best," she said, her voice soft and peaceful.

She'd already come to terms with it, I realized.

"I'm so sorry, Paris," my mom sobbed. "I'm so terribly sorry."

I let out a sigh and stared intently at the grave. I wasn't really sad anymore. The tears fell, sure, but deep down, I was just. . . numb. Terribly numb. And I wanted to be punched in the face for being so numb.

"We have to leave in two hours," said Dad, his tone forced.

"I see," my mom replied, her voice weak and hoarse.

I nodded.

"Thank you for coming, Mr. and Mrs. Winston. Paris was always anxious about you guys accepting her and loving her. And, even though it's a little too late, you still came. And that's enough for her soul to forgive you," she said, smiling hesitantly.

My mom wiped her tears with a handkerchief and walked over to Ashley.

"You can come visit us any time. And we will make it a point to keep in touch. We were never able to love you and accept you when she was here, but right now, I know in my heart that you're a good person and exactly what Paris wanted in life. Calm, reassuring. I'm indebted to you for life, Ashley. All of us."

She nodded nervously, ovewhelmed. Mom pulled her in for a hug and then walked with Dad out of the grave, right after placing a loving hand on the gravestone first as a way of saying goodbye.

Ashley looked back at me.

"Off you go then," she said, chuckling shyly.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her with all my might. She hugged me right back.

"You're gonna do just fine, kiddo," she whispered.

"Thanks," I replied, sniffling.

That's when my phone rang. It was. . . Wyatt?

I picked up the phone and, before I could get in a hello, Wyatt yelled through the phone, "CHECK YOUR GODDAMN TEXTS!"

I held the phone away from my ear for a bit and then held it close again.

"What is going on? Why are you yelling?" I asked, surprised.

"Harley's in the hospital," he said. "She got hit by a truck and right now she's in the ICU. She's badly hurt."

I felt the whole world freeze. I felt the numbness get stronger and stronger and then break away completely, leaving me shocked and breathless.

"What? I whispered, my tone harsh and cold.

"Just-just get here, okay? Quick. We're at the hospital across town, three lefts after the fountain. I'll text you the address and floor."

"Okay, okay, thanks--" The line got cut.

I felt my blood freeze, my limbs stiff and weak.

"What happened?" Ashley asked from behind me.




Hope you liked this chapter! Lemme know what you think :)



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