Chapter 32

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Mature Content!!!

I'm going to spoil a little; this whole chapter is about sex.
There's going to be a threesome. There are a few main things to know for the future. If you don't want to read all the sex, then just skip to the bottom where I will say the things you need to remember for the future.

A few weeks later...

Three hundred and twenty eight years old. It's been a year since my true life was revealed. So many things have changed me; for the better.

Or for the worst.

Damien thought it best that we got out of the castle. Axel's threats were wearing us down; physically and mentally. Everyone was loosing it. To celebrate, he offered to take us to a local demon bar in the kingdom.

    The club was called Lust. He said it was for sex demons; for there were rooms to...have fun in. Besides that fact, he said that they had good booze and good music.

"I haven't been to this place in months." Zach cries

"That's hard to believe." His twin exclaims

"Come. There's a table." Damien, with his hold around me, walks us to the booth in the back on the club. Not long after settling in, a waiteress; in her true demon form comes.

"What can I get for you?" Her eyes were not fixated on Damien; like they usually are. But rather on me.

Your boobs more like it.

"Just get us the strongest drinks you have. And get your fucking eyes off my girl." Damien snaps at the waitress, sending her running.

"I love it when you're jealous." I whisper to him

"People should know you are mine." He moves my hair off my shoulder to display his dark marks. His finger swirls around them; sending a message to the people in the room.

I am owned.

And I am owned by him.

And he did another thing. He sent waves of pleasure to course through my body. Put me on edge for the fun to begin.

The waitress comes back and places the drinks on the table. The liquids were all different colors; red mixed with purple, blue, black, gold even. I tried to reach for one, but Damien scoops it up from me.

"Careful, baby."

"What? It's a drink."

"You haven't had demons liquor."

"And what's so different about demon's alcohol?"

"It has an extra kick."

Before I can even respond, Damien cuts me off, "one you are not ready for."

The others grab the rest of the drinks and downs them in one go. Their eyes seem to darken and the energy in the room immediately spikes. I watch as Damien takes a sip of the drink; his eyes turn to red and rest there.

"Please Damien? It is my birthday."

"Fine. One tiny sip." He passes his drink to me; once the sweet liquid touches my tongue, everything twists and turns. The lights get brighter and the music gets louder.

What a wonderland.

"You handled it well. I would have suspected so, since you are part demon."

"Wow. That" I wanted more, yet Damien pushes the drink away from my grasp.

"And those eyes. I can't seem to get enough of them." My silver eyes grow brightly in the darkly lit room. The others had their dark eyes, yet mine grew the brightest.

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