It is here that we start.

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I am the creator of this story.
I made the world in which it takes place.
It isn't our world.
It is a world were fate is seen, and where fate controls.

Different people, different places, but all still driven by fate.
Fate can be beautiful.  Or it can be ugly.
The Red String symbolizes the connection between two people, but it does not care who.
Sometimes the String shows the dark side of a person. A side that should have stayed hidden.
Fate does have a cruel sense of humor.

Fate controls Life and Death.
Creation and Destruction. 
Love and Hatred.

It rolls its dice, and gives no one a second chance.

These people.. Their stories. They can be happy. Or they can be painful.
Either way.
I am here to tell that story, no matter how dark.. How sad..

For I am the one who chose their fate.

Fate Will Walk With UsWhere stories live. Discover now