♡ CONNIE (Part 1) ♡

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'Just a little further..'
Connie ran, the tune of her favorite artist's new album playing from her earbuds. The notes seemed to guide her movement, influencing her speed depending on the pacing of the melodies.

She was always trying to beat a new record, but the higher she would reach, the harder she'd crash down.
It had happened before. She didn't seem to get the signals for stopping like others did so she'd just keep going, until she reached her goal or collapsed from exhaustion.

March 24th, 20xx, she nearly died.
She had decided to raise her goal more than she usually would. She was three quarters into it when she blacked out, falling from the sidewalk into incoming traffic. And she would of been ran over if an odd bystander had been there to save her.
But when people came to help her, they simply left. A complete mystery to everyone, unknown to everyone in the small town.


"This is it. This is how I die."
Connie lay on her couch, leg elevated in a sling and wrapped from her thigh to her foot in a stiff cast. Her position was killing her spine, and her lack of movement drove her crazy.
"Relax Cons, it's just a leg injury. The more patient you are with the healing process, the quicker it will be. Then you can get back to your normal life." Her friend, Eleanor said, having to raise her voice to be heard of the running water as she washed Connie's dishes.

"Yeah yeah.. I'll have to start all over again though.."

"Are you serious? You're going back to that goal thing again? Connie, that was the reason your leg's injured now. You pushed yourself too hard." Eleanor poked her head around the wall that separated the kitchen from the den. Her brows were furrowed, and if her hand hadn't been full, she might have thrown a shoe at her dearest friend.

"No such thing." Connie responded nonchalantly, waving a hand before turning on the TV.
Eleanor finished cleaning up and joined Connie, though she sat on the floor since all the space on the couch was full. Connie wordlessly handed Eleanor the remote, and began to attempt to braid her friend's messy blonde hair. Eleanor didn't mind. Connie was kind of oblivious to the idea of personal space, but people never corrected her. Connie was Connie, and that why so many people liked her.
Eleanor and Connie had been friends since 9th grade, when Eleanor was assigned to help Connie with her math. Even now, the two 20 year old women, who didn't know if they'd go to college, worked to learn with the help of one another.
Connie was never really great with numbers. Aside from her goals of course. According to her, they never made sense. She couldn't multiply in her head, let alone divide, and yet she got through highschool as a model student. This was all thanks to Eleanor.

"Hey Cons, I think our town's mysterious hero is becoming a media celebrity." Eleanor's voice pulled Connie out of her thoughts. She glanced at the tv screen, before looking at Eleanor in confusion.
"Huh? What do you mean," Connie noticed that Eleanor was staring at her phone."Did they do something?"
Eleanor lifted the phone so Connie would be able to see the article. "Apparently he's become a bit of an icon for the Red String Movement."
Connie furrowed her brows, trying to pick anything out from the blurry image at the top of the article.
"Wait, what do you mean? What's the Red String Movement? Why is he an icon?"
"Woah woah woah Cons. One at a time. Well," Connie handed back Eleanor's phone, and Eleanor turned to see Connie better. "The Red String Movement is a large event that people who don't want their controlling their life hold. It's run by the ERSEO, or the Expansion of Red String Expectations Organization. All the press knows is that he needed some help on Red String-related issues, but the organization has yet to share what he actually needs help on. I'm gonna have to guess that it must be pretty important, if he's become an icon for them." Eleanor explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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