-Between The Raindrops; Chapter 25.

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*Hey everyone! If you're still reading my story, I really appreciate it, and hope you like it(:

Does everyone like my poorly edited cover?xD Whatever, Harry Styles is kissing my cheek.

Haha, enjoy(:*


"Get off of me!" I was startled by a commotion which shook the bed, and a yell which pierced my ears.

"Babycakes, you gotta get up." A smooth voice cured the ringing in my ears.

I slightly opened my eyes, and saw Louis was laying on Harry, playing with his ruffled curls.

"Oh hi Lacey." He grinned.

"Louis, why are you waking us up at.." I looked at the clock. "11:32."?

"It's Halloween Eve, you silly girl!" He shouted. "We need to get costumes!"

"Oh, damn. I forgot about that. Tomorrow is Halloween, and you plan to celebrate that how?" I asked, knowing that if they went trick-or-treating, they'd be trampled by screaming girls.

"Well, we're all invited to Ed's Halloween party." Liam stated, calming walking in, and sitting on the edge of the bed.

I shot him a confused look, as I glanced towards the other two boys, who had their eyes fixed on me.

"You're adorable when you're confused." Harry stated, grabbing my arm and slowly bringing my hand to his lips as he pressed a light kiss to it.

"Ed..?" I asked, looking for an answer from anyone.

"Ed Sheeran." Harry beamed.

My breath hitched in my throat. "Ed Sheeran?! Edward Sheeran?! Ginger Jesus?! I get to go to his Halloween party?!"

"Not only go to his Halloween party, you getta meet him too." Louis smiled.

I jumped up from my spot on the bed, and bear hugged all three of the boys.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I screamed, running over to my sisters bed yelling, "I GETTA MEET ED SHEERAN!"

"I'm assuming you told her?" Zayn asked, his Bradford accent even stronger with his morning voice, with a sleepy Niall following.

"Yeah." Harry giggled.

"Well, what are we waiting for?! We've gotta get costumes!" I yelled, running to the bathroom, adrenaline running through my body.


"Get this." Harry winked at me, holding up the "Sexy Jail Guard" costume, with barely any clothing on the model's body.

I couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculous gesture. "In your dreams." I walked over to the superhuman costumes. "I have an idea." I laughed, picking up the Superwoman costume.

"What is your idea?" He asked, walking up behind my and lacing his arms around my waist.

"Will you be my Superman, and I'll be your Superwoman?" I smiled, holding up the two costumes.

"You just wanna see me in tights." Harry accused, laughing as he kissed the top of my head.

"Dang, you caught me. How'd you know?" I asked sarcastically.

"I'd love to be your Superman." He said, spinning me around and placing a kiss on my lips.

We all met up at the cash register. I asked everyone what they picked out.

"Nicki Minaj. I have the ass and sass, I just needed clothes." Louis stated, proudly, placing his Nicki Minaj costume on the counter.

"I'm gonna be a kitty cat." Elena innocently smiled, placing her cat costume on the counter.

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