(26) Ex-wife

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Chassie George

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Chassie George

I had until Friday to groom myself decently enough for the date with William Rossi. It means I was able to go shopping and ran on the treadmill twice a day. It wasn't just the anxiety of not looking good that gets to me. I have resurfacing insecurities eating me alive. There wasn't any certainty that I'd achieve the "body goal" by Friday though. It was more of an emotional and mental kind of workout. I was merely setting up the mindset.

I look at myself in the mirror, satisfied that my black turtleneck dress was just the right amount of "tight" on certain places.

My phone rings, snapping me out of my self-congratulatory thoughts. I grabbed it from my nightstand.

It was William.

"Hi," I answered.

"Chassie, I'm really sorry. Something came up and I need to attend to a family emergency." He sounded so agitated that I almost didn't feel a little disappointed. Almost.

"Oh. It's okay. I understand."

"I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Don't worry. It's a good thing you've given me a heads-up."

"Crap. I'm really sorry."

I laugh. "Don't be weird. It's cool."


I put my phone back on my nightstand, slumping on the side of the bed. I regard myself on the mirror. This is not a comeback, is it? William is not cancelling on me on purpose just like I did on him all those years ago. Also, I know for a fact that William Rossi wouldn't stoop this low just to give me a taste of my own medicine. He's simply not built for that.

Surprisingly, I wasn't upset. Sure, I was a little disappointed, but I wasn't devastated. In fact, I'm more disappointed that I don't get to show off the dress.

A soft knock came from my door.

"It's open."

"Are you decent though?" Nathan shyly peeks behind the tiny opening of the door.

I giggled softly. "Yes. Come on in."

He takes a step in, blue eyes doing a downward perusal on me.

"How's movie night?"

"Bearable." He shoves a hand to his pocket and leaned on the door as if taking his time. "Actually, I'm lying. We both know your mother's choices are cheesy. Your dad and Ethan seemed to be enjoying though."

"She and Kathie always had the same taste." I wink.

Nathan strolls over to my bed. "You're going on a date with William Rossi?"

My mouth parted a little, half-baffled and half-dazed. "How did you know?"

"I saw you exchanging numbers with him back at Sydney's restaurant." He lowered himself next to me.

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